Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Event: (5.7.2023) Continuity or Change? The Next Chapter of EU-Turkey Relations

2023 is a significant year for Turkey, marking the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic and recent elections. Despite economic challenges and geopolitical shifts, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been re-elected, raising questions about Turkey’s foreign policy and its impact on EU-Turkey relations. Join us with our speakers Beate Apelt, Demir Murat Seyrek and moderator Sahra Lissek as we explore Turkey’s evolving political landscape, its regional relationships, and discuss the future of EU-Turkey ties.
Presidency from Belgium On Monday 1 July, Belgium will hand

Philippines: Dictator’s son Marcos Jr. sworn in as Philippine President

36 years after the fall of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr, his son Ferdinand „Bongbong“ Marcos Jr, took his oath as the 17th Philippine president. During the election campaign, the Marcos family embellished their image and revised the narrative of the dictatorship. Thus, Marcos Jr. presented himself as an inclusive personality and focused on the motif of unity and oneness. But is this how he will govern his country in the future?
On the other hand, there is a plan to accredit vloggers

Vietnam: Das dröhnende Schweigen

Ein in diesem Jahr in Kraft getretenes vietnamesisches Gesetz stellt einen Meilenstein dar. Es definiert sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz klar und deutlich und macht Arbeitgeber dafür verantwortlich, sexuelle Belästigung zu verhindern und über Beschwerden zu entscheiden. Aber die vietnamesische Kultur verharmlost sexuelles Fehlverhalten gegenüber Frauen und hält Opfer davon ab, es anzusprechen.
Unvermittelt steckte er seine Hand in das kleine Etui

Paraguay: Nach Korruptionsvorwürfen: Springprozession in Paraguay

Nach Korruptionsvorwürfen durch die USA kündigt Paraguays Vizepräsident Velázquez seinen Rücktritt an. Wenige Tage später widerruft er seine Ankündigung. Ausgestanden ist damit jedoch noch nichts, denn die Anschuldigungen Washingtons wiegen schwer: Velázquez soll versucht haben, Einfluss auf die Justiz zu nehmen. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob die US-Seite das entsprechende Beweismaterial vorlegt. Nun drohte die Partei von Präsident Abdo Benítez im Chaos zu versinken.
Sturz im Februar 1989 blieb das Land fest in Colorado-Hand

Naumann Stories: Fake News und Polarisierung: die Chance für Storytelling

Alexandra Arévalo nahm kürzlich am IAF-Seminar „Pressefreiheit – Herausforderungen im digitalen Zeitalter“ teil, bei dem die Herausforderungen für den Journalismus, von Zensur über Gewalt bis hin zu Desinformation, diskutiert wurden. Trotz der kulturellen und politischen Unterschiede zwischen den Teilnehmern war eines der gemeinsamen Themen Fake News: Wie kann man sie bekämpfen?
Meiner Meinung nach liegt die Antwort auf der Hand:

MENAPOL Blog: How the Middle East can benefit from multilateralism

Like many regions around the world, the Middle East, in particular the Arab World, had gone through turbulent episodes at the height of the Cold War. As the former colonial powers of Britain and France began their slow withdrawal from the region at the end of the Second World War, the United States moved in to secure oil routes from the Arabian Gulf as well as to protect pro-western monarchies from the Arab nationalist tide that found an ally in the Soviet Union.
individual national interest priorities, on the one hand

Alumni: One Year of War in Ukraine: What Does It Mean for The Global Security and Southeast Asia?

FNF Malaysia hosted its FNF Alumni Gathering on the 15 February 2023 in Kuala Lumpur. This is an annual event in which FNF gathers its alumni not only for attending an event but also for staying connected. This time, we invited Prof. Olexiy Haran who is a professor of Comparative Politics at the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy (UKMA) to share his insights on the current situation in Ukraine.
audience was glad to have the opportunity for first-hand

#ReshapingEurope: Be part of the Naumann Hack!

How does the future relationship between the European Union (EU) and Latin America (LA) look like? What is the EU’s role in Latin America? How to achieve an ideal relationship between both regions? The Naumann Hack is a three-phase initiative for young people from all over Latin America to propose solutions to the above questions and have the opportunity to present them to decision-makers in Berlin.
strategic rivalry between authoritarian states on the one hand

Free and Fair Elections: 10 Years of Freedom Barometer

There is an Urge for new political strategies in democracies. The role of elections as an institution whose aim is to protect, strengthen, and foster democracy has been increasingly and continuously undermined for years in many of the countries Freedom Barometer analysed. Find out more in the analysis by our comparative index ‘Freedom Barometer’ in its 10-year anniversary edition ‚A Lost Decade of Reforms?‘.
On the other hand, we could barely talk about any kind

Call for Applications: Balkanska Ženska Akademija 2024

Are you a woman seeking to break the gender barriers of politics in the Western Balkans? Are you ready to create change in your community or your country? The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom invites applications for „BAZA – Balkanska Ženska Akademija 2024“. This pioneering three-month empowerment program aims to equip women with the necessary skills and knowledge to assert their political ambitions and facilitate gender equality in our societies.
environments to ensure maximum focus on the issue at hand