Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Rechtsstaat: Polen: Die Pressefreiheit ist in Gefahr

Offiziell handelt es sich um eine rein wirtschaftliche Transaktion. Aber es gibt genügend Gründe zu befürchten, dass der Aufkauf eines großen Anteils der polnischen Regionalzeitungen durch den Energiekonzern Orlen der Beginn einer Politikoffensive ist. Wie schon zuvor Ungarn droht Polen ein Land ohne namhafte Oppositionsmedien zu werden, analysiert Detmar Doering.
dass in Frankreich auch alle Medien in französischer Hand

FNF Partners: FNF Philippines Presents: Partners-in-Focus, A Peek Into The Work Of Our Partner Organizations

FNF Philippines launches the Partners-in-Focus video series that aims to familiarize our network and the different country offices of the foundation with the work carried out by our local partner organizations. It aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by our partners and the impact of their initiatives.
CLD (Center for Liberalism & Democracy) Working hand

Climate Change in South Asia: Webinar on “Climate Change in South Asia: The Impact on Livelihoods and Mitigation Strategies”

A webinar on Climate Change under the banner of “Climate Change in South Asia: The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF South Asia) recently organized a valuable webinar on climate change titled „Climate Change in South Asia: The Impact on Livelihoods and Mitigation Strategies.“ Distinguished panelists, including Dr. Bishnu Raj Upreti (Executive Chairperson of Policy Research Institute from Nepal), Syeda Rizwana Hasan ((attorney and environmentalist from Bangladesh)), and Afia Islam (Member of National Climate Change Council from Pakistan), provided valuable insights on the issue through speeches and discussions. Shruti Sinha, the Policy and Outreach manager at Chintan from India has moderated the session.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

Innovation: From Coal Cape to Green Cape

From Coal Cape to Green Cape: At the moment, South Africa’s economy is not yet green. Currently, 85% of the country’s energy comes from coal plants. However, the non profit organisation GreenCape aims to transform this. But, their mission extends beyond just the energy sector as they are promoting a comprehensive green economy. Central to this mission is the FNF GreenPitch Challenge, organised in collaboration with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
Pre-Growth businesses, on the other hand, are already

Kenia: Presidential elections in Kenya

George Wajackoyah is an enigmatic personality in many respects: both his appearance and his theses are provocative. But why does the exotic Wajackoyah go down so well? His success highlights the dilemma facing Kenyan voters in the presidential elections on 9 August: The candidates of the political establishment do not represent a bold departure that Kenya so desperately needs.
these „hustlers“ against the „dynasties“ On one hand

Poland: Poland’s Constitutional Court to Rule on Legal Battle with the EU

Should the Polish Constitutional Tribunal decide on Thursday that interim orders of the ECJ are not in line with the Polish constitution, this would mean a substantial undermining of the functioning of the EU legal system. Some commentators even talk in this context about a further step towards a PolExit, analyses Natálie Maráková.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand


Die Menschenrechtsaktivistin, die zur Sprecherin des Obersten Gerichtshofs wurde, erklärt, warum sie glaubt, dass das persönliche Beispiel für Veränderungen ausschlaggebend ist. Die Pressesekretärin des armenischen Verfassungsgerichts, Eva Tovmasyan, ist eine Meisterin der Kommunikation. Sie verfügt über eine umfangreiche Erfahrung im zivilgesellschaftlichen Bereich und fühlt sich in der Politik heimisch.
Keiner wollte ihr die Hand schütteln.