Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Stadtplanung: Die entfesselte Stadt

Deutsche Städte haben ein Problem. Die Stadtplanung der vergangenen Jahre hat hierzulande die Erkenntnisse moderner Stadtforschung ignoriert. Statt auf private Graswurzelideen zu setzen, ist man immer noch gefangen in den Ideen der Charta von Athen. Justus Enninga zeigt in seiner Studie für die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, wie Städte mit liberalen Ideen freier, reicher und schöner werden können.
Moderne Stadtforschung und liberale Grundsätze gehen Hand

Event: Journalists Defending Human Rights

Attacked, persecuted and imprisoned. Journalists who report on human rights violations are targeted simply for doing their job. To mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 25th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Reporters Without Borders Germany are jointly organising the international conference „Journalists Defending Human Rights“ today. Listen to prominent human rights journalists, such as Nobel Prize winner Maria Ressa, as well as journalists from other countries.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

Human Rights: Resilience against Injustice Lawyers as Human Rights Defenders

Lawyers as Heroes of Freedom: Their courage defies authoritarian regimes. In the new publication ‚Resisting Injustice – Lawyers as Human Rights Defenders,‘ discover how they defend human rights and become targets of persecution. A glimpse into their challenging role in the battle for the rule-of-law.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

#FemaleForward: Euthenia-Konferenz 2023: Frauen im Mittelmeerraum führen den Wandel an

Die Euthenia-Konferenz 2023 stand unter dem Motto „Mediterranean Women Leading the Change“ (Frauen im Mittelmeerraum führen den Wandel an). Es war eine bedeutende und inspirierende Veranstaltung, die die zentrale Rolle von Frauen in Führung und Unternehmertum würdigte. Die Konferenz, die am 18. und 19. Oktober in der Stadt Alicante stattfand, bot Fachleuten eine Plattform, um Kontakte zu knüpfen, Erkenntnisse auszutauschen und Möglichkeiten für Wachstum und Zusammenarbeit im Zusammenhang mit den Rechten und der Stärkung der Rolle der Frau zu erkunden.
erfahrenen Mitgliedern eine offene Plattform, auf der sie Hand

Politics: Israel’s Bennett-Lapid Government is a Victory for Democracy

The new and most ideologically diverse government in the history of Israel does not raise high expectations. It seems neither Left nor Right expect paradise from a coalition built on so much compromise. Yet to the polarized political climate of recent years, this is revolutionary. Only a month ago Israel faced one of the worst eruptions of communal violence in years.
coalition and after Lapid stepped back in order to hand

FNF: Activism and Social Participation are at Risk in Mexico

In the last 5 years, the number of Mexican civil organizations has systematically decreased and the institutional spaces for them to function as a counterweight have been lost. Francisco Rivas, director of the National Citizen Observatory, reflects on how Mexico could benefit from promoting an environment that strengthens Mexican civil society in order to strengthen democracy and institutions in the country.
organizations can feed on similar experiences and walk hand

Bussiness Human Rights : Navigating Compliance & Sustainability: SMEs in Global Value Chains

Will ESG regulations on global value chains safeguard or stifle SMEs in emerging economies/global south? Explore how compliance demands might pose opportunities and challenges for small businesses navigating these interconnected networks. Unveil the delicate balance between growth and challenges within this evolving landscape.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand