Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Human Rights: Prisoner of Conscience: Ahmet Altan

“I will never see the world again. I will never see a sky unframed by the walls of a courtyard,” writes Ahmet Altan, a journalist and best-selling novelist from Turkey, in his latest book, which he has written while in jail. Altan’s memoir is made up of a series of essays reflecting on his arrest and his experiences on the inside. The book, called I Will Never See the World Again, was put together thanks to notes the writer managed to smuggle to his lawyer.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

Afghanistan : Afghanistan

Two years since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan, the country’s democratic progress has regressed significantly, particularly for women. This paper examines the erosion of women’s rights and access to education under the Taliban’s rule. It explores potential avenues within international law, diplomatic efforts, and targeted aid to address the situation and reintegrate women’s rights as an integral aspect of international policy considerations.
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

Human Rights: 15 years of liberal human rights work in West Africa

The right of every human being to dignity, freedom and equality is paramount in the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It forms the cornerstone of German commitment abroad and the work of German political foundations worldwide. In cooperation with civil society, legal institutions and human rights activists, measures are offered to raise awareness, educate, train and empower, focussing on universal human rights and the fight for their observance. 
Being queer in Morocco has many faces: on the one hand

LIBANON: Irreguläre Seemigration aus dem Libanon seit 2019: Konflikt, Krise und Migration

Seit Beginn des Jahres 2019 wird der Libanon von mehreren Krisen erschüttert. Die Weltbank stufte den wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch des Libanon als eine der schwersten globalen Krisenepisoden seit Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts ein. Darüber hinaus wurde das Land im „Fragile Country Index“ als einer der fragilsten Staaten der Welt eingestuft, in der Kategorie „Alert“, gleich nach dem Niger und vor Ländern wie Venezuela oder Palästina. Die Explosion im Hafen von Beirut im Jahr 2020, die mehrere Stadtteile verwüstete, verschärfte die ohnehin schon katastrophale Lage weiter.
policy recommendations that can help fix the issue at hand