Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Amblyraja radiata – Discover Fishes

Thorny Skate Amblyraja radiata These cool-water skates have rounded diamond shaped pectoral disks with stout tails, usually muddy brown on top, and white underneath. They are named for the scattered thorny denticles along their spines, edges of pectoral fins, and tails, interspersed with sma
Males, on the other hand, lose most of the thorns on

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Tremarctos floridanus – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Tremarctos floridanus Quick Facts Common Name: Florida spectacled bear Much more common as a fossil in Florida than the living black bear. Thought to be primarily a herbivore like the living South American spectacled bear. Sometimes called the „Florida cave bear“ but they are not clos
Ursine bears, on the other hand, have only one masseteric

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Xenosmilus hodsonae – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Xenosmilus hodsonae Quick Facts Common Name: Cookie-cutter Cat A lion-sized, sabertoothed cat known only from Florida. A mounted skeleton is on permanent display at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Age Range Early Pleistocene Epoch; late Blancan to early Irvingtonian land mam
The radius and hand bones are also curved in such a

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Volunteers contribute to Florida Butterfly Network’s conservation plan – Florida Museum Blog

Florida Butterfly Monitoring Network researchers and citizen scientists document the presence of local butterfly species and their numbers so that scientists and conservationists have reliable, long-term population data from which to strategize for future environmental care. The long-handled
general public in the network not just to have a hand

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Life in Seagrasses – South Florida Aquatic Environments

Many species live in seagrasses: Bacteria and Fungi Bacteria and fungi are responsible for the decomposition of dead seagrass blades. Microfauna and meiofauna colonize the dead seagrass blades, feeding on the bacteria and fungi as well as on the dissolved organic matter released from the decompo
On the other hand, species occurring over seagrasses

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Hemphillian North American Land Mammal Age – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Defining taxon: first appearance of the ground sloth Pliometanastes (Tedford et al., 2004) Basis of name: Wood et al. (1941) based the name on what they termed the “Hemphill member of the Ogallala [Formation].” This stratigraphic unit was originally named the “Hemphill Beds” by Reed and Longnecke
Vertebrate Paleontology Collection Articulated left hand

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Panthera onca – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Panthera onca Quick Facts Common Name: jaguar Fossils of jaguars in Florida are much more common than those of other contemporaneous large felids, such as the American lion and the sabertooths Smilodon fatalis and Dinobastis serus. The Pleistocene jaguars of North America were much large
On the other hand, the association of Panthera atrox

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