Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Die Territorialisierung des (Schul-)Pädagogischen im urbanen Wandel | BELTZ

examples of pedagogical orders of meaning are reconstructed which are, on the one hand – district, school architectures, and school-related spatial concepts and, on the other hand
examples of pedagogical orders of meaning are reconstructed which are, on the one hand

Erwachsenenbildung und Region – eine Professionsperspektive | BELTZ

implicit interpretations of social space within professional practice, on the one hand – , and, on consequences of professional action for social space, on the other hand
implicit interpretations of social space within professional practice, on the one hand

Junge Kinder und ihre Eltern im Übergang von der Familie in eine Kindertagesbetreuung | BELTZ

between the competences and resources of the child and his/her family on the one hand – and the peda-gogic support on the other hand.
between the competences and resources of the child and his/her family on the one hand

Junge Kinder und ihre Eltern im Übergang von der Familie in eine Kindertagesbetreuung | BELTZ

between the competences and resources of the child and his/her family on the one hand – and the peda-gogic support on the other hand.
between the competences and resources of the child and his/her family on the one hand

Rethinking Educational Values in Light of the Ethics of Giftedness by Michael J. Sandel | BELTZ

with regard to the new gadgets emerging from science and technology on the one hand – education, which lead to an uncontrollable craving for perfection, on the other hand
with regard to the new gadgets emerging from science and technology on the one hand

Neue Impulse für die Sozialisationsforschung aus der Entwicklungspsychologie | BELTZ

understanding of the biological mechanisms of contextual influences on the one hand – – and a more differentiated conception of contexts themselves on the other hand.
understanding of the biological mechanisms of contextual influences on the one hand

Organisationales Lernen in Einrichtungen der stationären Altenhilfe als Ermöglichung von Autonomie und Partizipation | BELTZ

but the area of work with the elderly has been especially affected: On the one hand – this is due to an increase in the amount of people dependent on care, on the other hand
but the area of work with the elderly has been especially affected: On the one hand