Tiny Primate Packs a Punch | San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance https://sandiegozoowildlifealliance.org/story-hub/zoonooz/tiny-primate-packs-a-punch
Its hands and feet are über dexterous.
Its hands and feet are über dexterous.
eat leaves, greens, various vegetables, corn—even chewing on moms’ ears, tail, hands
The puppet completely covers the human hands that provided the daily care this little
Before the interns got their hands dirty, Mr.
His mate lays a single egg, which she hands off to her fella for safe keeping through
in their dedicated breeding room, their immediate future will be in the capable hands
predator/prey field transects, taping off random GPS plots on the islands on our hands
This remarkable conservation success story was driven by an „all hands on deck“ approach
I think Funani realizes she’s got a ‘wild child’ on her hands.”