Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Cheetah Health Sep 12, 2013 | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Regular Zoo visitors are probably familiar with the sight of our three cheetah brothers: Zabini, Granger, and Draco. One of the brothers, Draco, has never had a robust appetite. It’s typical for cheetahs to lose weight in the spring and summer and to gain it again in the fall and winter.
gets the nutrients he needs, keepers are giving him extra care and attention and „hand-feeding

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White-naped crane | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

White-naped cranes are an elegant species native to Northern Mongolia, southern Siberia, Korea, Japan and central China. They are slightly smaller than red-crowned cranes. This bird has a white nape and vertical gray stripes on its neck, as well as a distinct red patch surrounding its eyes. 
One such white-naped crane, a female nicknamed Walnut, was hand raised at another

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How to Care for Clouded Leopards | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Meet the four clouded leopards who call the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute home. Pounce from Washington D.C. with Asia Trail keepers Kaitlyn Adkins and Jenny Spotten, to Front Royal, Virginia with animal keeper Jessica Kordell to learn more about these cool cats.
Because she was hand-raised by people, she prefers attention as a reward instead!

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A Day in the Life of Siamangs Adi and Guntur | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Meet Adi and Guntur, our two new siamangs at Gibbon Ridge! Over the past year, it has been really fun getting to know their personality quirks and watching their bond with each other grow. Let’s explore a day in their life! 
Using a combination of vocal cues and hand signals, we can ask our siamangs to move

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Red Panda Updates Jan 13, 2015 | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Last December, Smithsonian Channel’s Wild Inside series introduced 6-month-old red panda cubs Henry and Tink to the world. Born in summer 2014, the cubs were in critical condition and required round-the-clock care.
We’ve been hand-raising him practically since birth, so he is exuberant every time

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