Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Cheetah Health Sep 12, 2013 | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Regular Zoo visitors are probably familiar with the sight of our three cheetah brothers: Zabini, Granger, and Draco. One of the brothers, Draco, has never had a robust appetite. It’s typical for cheetahs to lose weight in the spring and summer and to gain it again in the fall and winter.
gets the nutrients he needs, keepers are giving him extra care and attention and „hand-feeding

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Training Update: Sloth Bear Ultrasound | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Is she or isn’t she? Excitement is in the air at Asia Trail, where the Zoo’s 5-year-old female sloth bear, Remi, may be expecting a cub! To monitor her for potential cub development, keepers are training Remi to voluntarily participate in ultrasounds. In this Q&A, animal keeper Stacey Tabellario shares some of the preparations that are taking place behind-the-scenes. 
She would be a first-time mom, and she was hand-raised by keepers rather than by

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Animal News

Always free of charge, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo is one of Washington D.C.’s, and the Smithsonian’s, most popular tourist destinations, with more than 2 million visitors from all over the world each year. The Zoo instills a lifelong commitment to conservation through engaging experiences with animals and the people working to save them.
Hand-raised by keepers, she has a sweet temperament and joyous personality.

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Releasing Black-footed Ferrets into the Wild | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Last week saw a perfect example of how the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute saves species: Staff released black-footed ferrets—once feared to be extinct—into the wild prairie on a ranch in Colorado.
SCBI supervisory biologist Warren Lynch and animal keeper Chris Crowe were on hand

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How to Care for Clouded Leopards | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Meet the four clouded leopards who call the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute home. Pounce from Washington D.C. with Asia Trail keepers Kaitlyn Adkins and Jenny Spotten, to Front Royal, Virginia with animal keeper Jessica Kordell to learn more about these cool cats.
Because she was hand-raised by people, she prefers attention as a reward instead!

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