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Animal News

Always free of charge, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo is one of Washington D.C.’s, and the Smithsonian’s, most popular tourist destinations, with more than 2 million visitors from all over the world each year. The Zoo instills a lifelong commitment to conservation through engaging experiences with animals and the people working to save them.
help of a dedicated group of biologists, keepers, veterinarians and nutritionists, hand-reared

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Animal News

Always free of charge, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo is one of Washington D.C.’s, and the Smithsonian’s, most popular tourist destinations, with more than 2 million visitors from all over the world each year. The Zoo instills a lifelong commitment to conservation through engaging experiences with animals and the people working to save them.
help of a dedicated group of biologists, keepers, veterinarians and nutritionists, hand-reared

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Newly Collared Giraffes in Kenya Could Pave Path for Species Conservation | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

In June, SCBI scientists and partners fitted the ossicones of 11 reticulated giraffes with GPS collars that send hourly data to researchers via satellite.
We’ll have this information on hand when the government asks what it can do for the

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Lemur leaf frog | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Lemur leaf frogs, also called lemur tree frogs, are small, critically endangered frogs native to Central America. Their bright, yellow-green skin helps them camouflage among leaves during the day. At night, when these nocturnal frogs are most active, their skin turns brown.
They move slowly, walking hand over hand, and rarely jump unless escaping from danger

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How Do You Stomp Out An Elephant Disease? | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

How do you monitor disease in Asian elephants? By building their trust and teaching them to voluntarily participate in medical exams! Get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into caring for our herd.
During a trunk wash, we ask an elephant to present their trunk to our hand.

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