Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hand

Fantastic Beasts of the Great Plains | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Smithsonian ecologists worked with American Prairie Reserve staff to fit bison with GPS ear tags. Their movement study will help researchers understand how bison move and use the landscape at the Reserve in Montana.
The chute system can be seen in the upper left-hand corner, the portion that resembles

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Golden lion tamarin | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Golden lion tamarins are small, social primates with reddish-gold coats and long, backswept manes. They live in the Atlantic coastal regions of southeastern Brazil, where their populations once dwindled to just 200 individuals. Thanks to intensive conservation efforts, this endangered species is recovering.
breeding biology, protocols for captive husbandry and management, medical programs, hand-rearing

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Getting to Know Trong Nhi and Nhi Linh | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

They’re spunky, opinionated and enjoy splashing in a cool pool on a hot summer day. Who are these playful pachyderms? Our Asian elephants, Trong Nhi and Nhi Linh! Get to know their personalities and quirks from Elephant Trails keepers Rebecca Riley and Ashley Fortner.
Trong Nhi, on the other hand, will hang back.

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Top Five Reasons to Leap Into World Lemur Day | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

We’re leaping for joy and celebrating World Lemur Day at Smithsonian’s National Zoo! This special holiday—which takes place the last Friday in October—is the perfect occasion for learning all about our lemur friends.
On the other hand, if its nose is pointed, it’s probably a prosimian!

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