Why Giving Matters –– Minneapolis Institute of Art https://new.artsmia.org/join-and-invest/impact-stories/
P.97.22.4 Support Partners Organizational and Government Support Restricted Gifts
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P.97.22.4 Support Partners Organizational and Government Support Restricted Gifts
. ° Charles and Julie Zelle° Gifts received during the fiscal year ended June 30
Ancestors,” the exhibition bridges North and South in a debut of newly acquired gifts
Ancestors,” the exhibition bridges North and South in a debut of newly acquired gifts
Nicole and Kirt Woodhouse Brenda and Shay Wyley Mike Zimmerman and Mary Grahek Gifts
Shop The Store at Mia for holiday gifts you won’t find anywhere else in the Twin
Forty-five-minute tours led by costumed docents will emphasize the gifts, toys, food
Forty-five-minute tours led by costumed docents will emphasize the gifts, toys, food
July 14, 2018 – March 31, 2019 | Gallery 353 | Free “First Blush” presents 15 color drawings that are new to Mia’s collection or galleries. They range from a Swiss landscape from the early 1800s to an abstract composition from the 1950s
These remarkable works have come to Mia over the past few years as gifts, purchases
Wyman Gifts received during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016 °Donor for ten consecutive