Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Gift

Meintest du gibt?

Degelo / Silent Book / André Letria – mundo azul

Ein Leporello ohne Text über einen Schneemann in moderne Zeiten.  Für alle Altersgruppen  ——————— Os invernos são sempre longos de mais. A estação do frio, da neve e do gelo é triste, obriga ao recolhimento e produz estados de espíritos sombrios. As primaveras deviam chegar mais cedo. DesconcertinasUma co
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

IL NINJA INNAMORATO / Silent Book / Ale Puro – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren:  Quando cala la notte, un piccolo ninja si aggira sui tetti delle case e inizia a escogitare mille modi per rubare la luna, di cui si è follemente innamorato. Ce la metterà tutta, provando addirittura a pescare il suo riflesso da un laghetto e a raggiungerla con l’aiuto di un palloncino. Riuscir
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Déguisé / Kinderbuch Französisch / Silent Book / Albertine – mundo azul

Ein Buch mit Kostüme und die ganze Fantasiekraft der Illustratorin Albertine.  Für alle Altersgruppe.  ———————– Cet album de coloriage est avant tout un beau livre. Il comporte une quarantaine d’illustrations originales d’Albertine et une quarantaine de silhouettes à colorier, peindre, décorer. Mais l’en
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Géants / Bilderbuch Französisch / Christopher Hittinger – mundo azul

Ein Bilderbuch, dass auch ein Portfolio ist, ein Riese-Katalog mit Siebdrucken, wovon nur 200 signierte Exemplare gemacht wurden. Das Buch ist bereits vergriffen, doch in Mundo Azul haben wir noch einige Exemplare zur Verfügung.  Für Erwachsenen.  —————————————————— Suite de dessins
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

„The book of magical sleep“ (کتاب جادوی خواب)“ Mahsa Hedayati / Bilder – mundo azul

It’s late in the evening and time to sleep. What a pity… but wait! No one’s around. Come on, let’s play with the bedsheets! Look! What a beautiful jungle! What a tiger! Be careful not to fall into the lake! “A Magical Sleep” is a wordless picture book that dives into the imaginative and creative world of children, wher
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

The tree and the river / Silent Book / Aaron Becker (Paperback) – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren  The special relationship between a child and his grandmother is depicted in this sumptuous book by an award-winning team.Inspired by memories of his childhood, Jordan Scott’s My Baba’s Garden explores the sights, sounds and smells experienced by a child spending time with their beloved grandmoth
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

À dos loup / Silent Book / Morgane Bellec – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren: Au moment de s’endormir, le loup du poster prend vie parmi les ombres de la chambre. La petite fille le suit dans son voyage poétique et merveilleux. N’est-ce qu’un rêve ? ————————————- „When falling asleep, the wolf in the poster comes to life among the shadows of the ro
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Ada und Eva / Silent Book / Laura D’Arcangelo – mundo azul

Ada und Eva. Zwei junge Frauen begegnen einander und fühlen sich zueinander hingezogen. Die textlose Publikation visualisiert die Selbstverständlichkeit einer gleichgeschlechtlichen Liebe ohne viel Pathos. Leise und zugänglich. Autorin und Illustratorin Laura D’Arcangelo wurde 2018 für ihr Erstlingswerk für den deutsch
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

À la volette… / Bilderbuch Französisch / Mathilde Magnan – mundo azul

„With the first rays of the sun, life awakens, from the roots of the tree to the buds of the youngest branches. Everyone is busy, teeming and getting ready to take off. Ladybug, dragonfly and titmouse cohabit, cross paths, brush against each other. And this cuckoo barely out of the egg, will it take flight before night
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Bigotini, el mago / María Luz Malamud / María Elina Mendez – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren „Where is the magic? What things are magical?The magician Bigotini accompanies the protagonists of this story to discover the magic that surrounds us.Have you discovered it? “ ——————————– ¿Dónde está la magia? ¿Qué cosas son mágicas? El mago Bigotini acompaña a los protagonis
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts