Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Gift

Meintest du gibt?

작은 못 달님 / Little Nail Moon / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Kim Ji-young – mundo azul

Poetisches, wunderschön illustriertes Bilderbuch aus Korea.  Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren.  ————— 그림책향 시리즈 스무 번째 그림책 『작은 못 달님』은 고려가요 청산별곡과 고려청자의 옥빛에 영감을 얻어 옛이야기 형식으로 빚은 창작 그림책입니다. 청산별곡이 시름없이 자연과 더불어 살고 싶은 마음을 노래한 것처럼, 고려청자가 자연에서 얻을 수 있는 가장 아름다운 빛깔로 빚은 것처럼, 이 그림책도 달님과 함께 노래하고 싶은 버들 도령의 간절한 마음을 담았습니다. 깊은 산 속 옥빛 못에 사는
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Acrobaties / Kinderbuch Französisch / Silent Book / Laëtitia Devernay – mundo azul

Ein Silent Book über Körper, Farben, Formen und Akrobatik.  Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren.  ——————————–L’harmonie n’existerait-elle que grâce à la nature ?À la surface de l’océan, deux clans s’affrontent ; les rouges face aux bleus. De part et d’autre des navires, les humains s’élancent pour défendre leur
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

A Velocity of Being / Kinderbuch Englisch / Maria Popova / Claudia Zoe – mundo azul

Prominente Künstler, Autor*innen, Musiker*innen, Journalist*innen und andere Persönlichkeiten schreiben Briefe an jungen Lesern und Leserinnen. Die Briefe werden von Illustrationen von internationalen, ausgezeichneten Illustrator*innen begleitet/nacherzählt.  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren.  ———————————–
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Art is a Verb / Besonders Bilderbuch / Likla / Rohina Thapar – mundo azul

 Besonders Bilderbuch aus Indien für Kinder ab 6 Jahren Winner of IPPY Award 2020 – Bronze Medal With a title that would probably vex grammar teachers and editors alike, Art is a Verb celebrates the joy of being, doing and creating. The book concurrently explores the works of Indian artists and the joy of verbs and act
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

걱정머리 / Worrying bout my hair / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Bamco – mundo azul

Warum machen sich Leute Sorgen? Und warum sollten sie sich keine Sorgen machen? Ein lustiges und originales Bilderbuch aus Korea.  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren.  ————————– 볼로냐 라가치상 수상 작가 밤코의 유쾌한 걱정 해결 그림책!걱정 말아요! 밤코 작가식 걱정 해결 그림책이 있잖아요!걱정 해결 주문을 외우자! “룰룰루 랄랄라 걱정 없다네!”행동하고 움직이고 실천하며 즐겁게 사는 사람들을 응원하는 그림책! 걱정 많
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Seed / Bilderbuch Englisch / Gita Wolf / Mayur & Tushar Vayeda / Indie – mundo azul

Ein Bilderbuch für alle Altersgruppen. — „A seed is a miracle. It is neither alive nor dead, yet holds within itself the potential for life. When it meets the right conditions, it starts to unfurl, with a promise of plenty and the hope of regeneration.The astonishing variety of traits that a seed holds can be looked
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Rückwärtsland / Henning Wagenbreth / Kinderbuch Deutsch/ ab 8 Jahren – mundo azul

Hast du mal in jungen Jahren einen Hasen totgefahren? Oder hast du das studiert, was dich gar nicht interessiert? Es gibt eine zweite Chance! Henning Wagenbreth dreht im Rückwärtsland die Zeit zurück und du kannst dann all die Sachen noch einmal und besser machen. In Panels, ganzseitigen Illustrationen und mit treffsic
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

The cloth of the mother Goddess / Bilderbuch Englisch / Jagdish Chitar – mundo azul

Ein Kunstwerk aus Stoff, ein Unikat.  Für alle Altersgruppen.  ———– Block-printed on clothLimited edition of 500 This textile book tells the story of the origins of Mata-Ni-Pachedi, the ritual ‘Cloth of the Mother Goddess’. Traditionally created by artisans from the nomadic Vaghari community in Gujarat, these vo
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

„La verdadera historia de la rata que nunca fue presumida“ Ana Cristin – mundo azul

El archiduque Luis Salvador de Austria, un noble que se interesó por los cuentos tradicionales de Mallorca a finales del siglo XIX, fue el primero en escribir una versión de la ratita presumida, que nada tiene de presumida.  Ahora, Ana C. Herreros ha escrito esta versión en la cual, la rata no es ni presumida ni se com
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Le typographe / Kinderbuch Französisch / Gaby Bazin – mundo azul

„Put on your aprons and enter the world of the typographer, presses, cassetins and monkeys! Equipped with lead characters, the owner of the premises will reveal to you behind the scenes of this demanding and meticulous know-how. From the birth of typographic printing — long before Gutenberg! — in the layout, you will d
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts