Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Gift

Meintest du gibt?

Gigante en la orilla / Kinderbuch Spanisch / Andrés López / Alonso Och – mundo azul

Eine unvergessliche Geschichte, die man immer wieder erzählen konnte.  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren.  —————- El mar, un gigante, una historia, que se podría contar una y no se olvidaría jamás.© Alboroto Ediciones. 
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Jenseits des Pools / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Cho Myungsun – mundo azul

Ein Kunstbuch auf Koreanisch über das Schwimmen.  Für alle Altersgruppen.  ————————- 걱정과 기대는 늘 함께 오는 것! ‘커다란 걱정’을 너머 ‘작은 용기’를 만나는 나!걱정과 두려움을 이기는 주문, “할 수 있다!”오늘부터 남의 이야기를 나의 이야기로 바꿔 보세요. 꼬로로록 깊은 바다도 아니고, 겨우 어푸어푸 수영장이잖아요![출처] 그림책향18_수영장 너머|작성자 향 © Hyang Publishing House. 
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

I LIKE CATS – CARD BOX / Kinderbuch Englisch / folk painting from east – mundo azul

Besondere Handgemachte Postkarten mit Katzen-Motiven.  Für aller Altersgruppen.  —————— Cats of various shapes and persuasions, rendered in folk and tribal art styles from across India.This set of beautiful handmade cards contains 10 blank cards – 2 each of 5 images – with envelopes, and comes in a speciall
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

도토리 Acorn / Kinderbücher Koreanisch / Song Hyunju – mundo azul

Ein schönes Buch über das Leben der Wälder auf Koreanisch.  Ab 3 Jahren.  —–그림책향 시리즈 스물한 번째 그림책 『도토리』는 숲속에서 반짝이며 살아가는 작은 생명들의 이야기입니다. 작가는 그 이야기를 겁도 많고 호기심도 많은 다람쥐와 작디작은 도토리를 앞세워 긴장감 넘치게 풀어갑니다. 마침 오늘, 다람쥐가 자주 오르내리는 신갈나무에서 도토리가 하나 툭 떨어졌습니다. 그런데 어째서 도토리는 수리취 옆 가만히 웅크린 뱀 앞에 떨어졌을까요? 또 오소리는 왜 신갈나무 아래서 뱀과 싸울까요? 어째서 그때 또 멧돼
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Equilibrio / Bilderbuch Spanisch / Menena Cottin – mundo azul

Ein Bilderbuch über Geometrie und Balance.  Für Kinder ab 8 Jahren.  ————————– Sobre equilibrio, formas y colores. De la autora e ilustradora de El libro negro de los colores.  © Rana Roja Libros.
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

테트릭스 / Tetris / Bilderbuch Koreanisch / 오세나 / Osena – mundo azul

환경 문제를 새로운 눈으로 마주하게 하는 작가의 환경 그림책 결정판!게임 와 영화 가 만나 그림책이 되다쌓이고, 쌓이고, 또 쌓이는 블록을 지우는 자가 이긴다?통제가 불가능한 세상, 어떻게 하면 우리 자신을 통제할 수 있을까? —————————- „The definitive edition of the author’s environmental picture book to face environmental issues with new eyes!The game and th
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Bloom / Bilderbuch Französisch / Julie Safirstein – mundo azul

„Bloom is a book in the round whose pages open like petals, revealing a delicate bouquet of flowers. Open Julie Safirstein’s work and enter a poetic garden full of colours both bright and pastel, overlays… This pop-up book full of folds appeals to the one’s sense of play and imagination.?“ —————————–
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Fingerprint / Besondere Bücher / Andrea Anastasio – mundo azul

Für Erwachsene: Fingerprint is a visual fable for our times, celebrating resistance to state surveillance and control. Actual fingerprints, silkscreened onto the pages of the book, create progressively complex patterns, transporting the fingerprint from the world of forensics and law into the freeing world of art and i
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Hello tomato / Bilderbuch Französisch / Marion Caron / Camille Trimard – mundo azul

„Hello tomato is a book-game that allows to create a whimsical pocket-sized garden. Unfold the book, arrange and rearrange the die cut cards on the colored pages: you have 25 recognizable fruits and vegetables at the mercy of your imagination. A pink eggplant, a green cherry or even a blue lemon… This paper garden will
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts