Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Gift

Meintest du gibt?

Zoo in my hand / Bilderbuch Französisch / Inkyeong & Sunkyung Kim – mundo azul

„Zoo in my hand is an activity book that allows you to create 40 stylized origami animals. Cut, then fold once or twice: the two dimensional paper becomes a three dimensional creature. Lion, peacock, monkey, pig, whale, rhinoceros… a colorful menagerie appears before your eyes. An exquisite paper zoo, all for you!“ —
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

„The Circus (서커스) “ Lim Yu / Bilderbuch Koreanisch – mundo azul

This book is a fantasy picture book that shows that a toy vending machine canactually be a very entertaining circus stage. But readers don’t realize that untilthey reach the end of the book. Readers who have read this book will be remindedof the circus where cute bears and people perform, every time they see a vendingm
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Sonnige Grüße aus Ziffernhausen / Tom Eigenhufe / Kinderbuch / Edition – mundo azul

Auf 10 Doppelseiten bzw. auf einer sechs Meter langen Landschaft werden unsere zehn Ziffern vorgestellt.Dabei gibt es viel zu suchen und zu zählen. Copyright: Edition Hammeraue
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

A la sombra de un naranjo / Kinderbuch Spanisch / Juliana Muñoz Toro / – mundo azul

Das besonderes Buch im Form eines altes Pergament, erzählt die Geschichte von Layla, die Flaschenpost begraben vor ihrer Haustür findet.  Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren.  —————————————– Layla encuentra una botella enterrada bajo las raíces del naranjo que crece al frente de su casa. Adentro hay un me
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Beasts of India / Kinderbuch aus Indien / Kanchana Arni and Gita Wolf – mundo azul

Ein besonderes, handgemachtes Bilderbuch über Tiere in Indien.  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren. ————————————-Here are India’s best-known beasts — tiger, elephant, deer, snake… rendered by a variety of folk and tribal artists. Each of their artistic traditions conceives of the beast in distinctive ways,
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

도토리 Acorn / Kinderbücher Koreanisch / Song Hyunju – mundo azul

Ein schönes Buch über das Leben der Wälder auf Koreanisch.  Ab 3 Jahren.  —–그림책향 시리즈 스물한 번째 그림책 『도토리』는 숲속에서 반짝이며 살아가는 작은 생명들의 이야기입니다. 작가는 그 이야기를 겁도 많고 호기심도 많은 다람쥐와 작디작은 도토리를 앞세워 긴장감 넘치게 풀어갑니다. 마침 오늘, 다람쥐가 자주 오르내리는 신갈나무에서 도토리가 하나 툭 떨어졌습니다. 그런데 어째서 도토리는 수리취 옆 가만히 웅크린 뱀 앞에 떨어졌을까요? 또 오소리는 왜 신갈나무 아래서 뱀과 싸울까요? 어째서 그때 또 멧돼
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Branches / Besondere Pop-Up- und Handgemachte Bücher / Chisato – mundo azul

Ein Pop-Up-Buch, das ausgebreitet werden kann bis es eine ganze Szene für Bäume-Liebhaber darstellt. Für alle Altersgruppen.  ————————– This book is designed both as a pop-up book but also as a fold-out, full pop-up scene. The book features a family of trees, in different seasons and of different gener
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Die Bibel / Philippe Lechermeier / Rébecca Dautremer / Coppenrath / Bi – mundo azul

„Das Buch der Bücher neu erzählt. Künstlerisch und literarisch interpretiert von Rébecca Dautremer und Philippe Lechermeier, nimmt dieses Kunstwerk seine Leser mit auf eine spannende Reise durch das Alte und Neue Testament, hin zu den Anfängen unserer Kultur. Die lebhafte Erzählweise und außergewöhnliche Bilder machen
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Hello tomato / Bilderbuch Französisch / Marion Caron / Camille Trimard – mundo azul

„Hello tomato is a book-game that allows to create a whimsical pocket-sized garden. Unfold the book, arrange and rearrange the die cut cards on the colored pages: you have 25 recognizable fruits and vegetables at the mercy of your imagination. A pink eggplant, a green cherry or even a blue lemon… This paper garden will
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts