Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Gift

Meintest du gibt?

여름 / My Summer / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Soyoung Lee – mundo azul

Ein Koreanisches Bilderbuch über den Sommer in der Stadt Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren. ———————- As spring passes, summer comes around. The heavy heat of summer weighs everyone down. On one side, the heatwaves blur our mind, but on the other, does it not bring much needed relaxation? From another perspective, th
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Zoo in my hand / Bilderbuch Französisch / Inkyeong & Sunkyung Kim – mundo azul

„Zoo in my hand is an activity book that allows you to create 40 stylized origami animals. Cut, then fold once or twice: the two dimensional paper becomes a three dimensional creature. Lion, peacock, monkey, pig, whale, rhinoceros… a colorful menagerie appears before your eyes. An exquisite paper zoo, all for you!“ —
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

„Senegal“ Artur Scriabin, Joanna Concejo / Kinderbuch Italienisch – mundo azul

Ein schönes illustriertes Buch von der polnischen Illustratorin Joanna Concejo. Auch für Erwachsene.  — Un ricordo d’infanzia, il giorno in cui ha nevicato in Senegal, si fa scrittura poetica e melanconica. Il canto della madre, il freddo che gela il corpo non preparato, il cadere lento dei fiocchi di neve, la luce,
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

„The Circus (서커스) “ Lim Yu / Bilderbuch Koreanisch – mundo azul

This book is a fantasy picture book that shows that a toy vending machine canactually be a very entertaining circus stage. But readers don’t realize that untilthey reach the end of the book. Readers who have read this book will be remindedof the circus where cute bears and people perform, every time they see a vendingm
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Estás Tão Crescida / Kinderbuch Portugiesisch / António Jorge Gonçalve – mundo azul

Ein sehr besonderes Bilderbuch auf portugiesisch, über ein Mädchen, das nicht aufhören kann, zu wachsen. Weil ihre Größe für vieles so praktisch ist, verlangen alle ständig etwas von ihr, bis eines Tages ein unerwarteter Zwischenfall alles ändert. Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren.  ———————————————–
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

꽃이 온다 / Flowers Are Coming / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Yang So-yi – mundo azul

Schneeflocken, die zum Blumen werden. Ein Kunstbuch auf Koreanisch.  Für alle Altersgruppe.  ​———————–그림책향 시리즈 열네 번째 그림책 『꽃이 온다』는 겨울이 지나 봄이 어떻게 우리에게 다가오는지를 새로운 시각으로 표현한 그림책입니다. 그림책을 펼치면 한겨울 눈송이가 눈꽃이 되고, 그 눈꽃이 다시 봄꽃이 되고, 봄꽃이 다시 세상의 모든 꽃이 되어 흘러갑니다. 우리는 사랑하는 것들을 모두 꽃이라 부릅니다. 꽃은 새 생명을 잉태합니다. 세상의 모든 태어남, 바로 꽃
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Gigante en la orilla / Kinderbuch Spanisch / Andrés López / Alonso Och – mundo azul

Eine unvergessliche Geschichte, die man immer wieder erzählen konnte.  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren.  —————- El mar, un gigante, una historia, que se podría contar una y no se olvidaría jamás.© Alboroto Ediciones. 
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

„Das Meer“ Micaela Chirif, Amanda Mijangos, Armando Fonseca, Juan Palo – mundo azul

Ist das Meer ein Raum, eine Fläche oder eine Linie? Wo schläft der Tintenfisch, wenn er müde ist? Und träumt er dann von einem Wal? Und wenn wir schon dabei sind: Wiegt der Wal so viel wie Wasser?Auch die Fische sind im Meer zu Hause. Sie sind immer auf Reisen von einem Land ins andere, von einem Meer ins andere, ohne
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts

Dots / Bilderbuch Französisch / Antonio Ladrillo – mundo azul

„Based on the same cuts, folds and colored sequence, Dots, Lines and Colors only have one difference: their pattern which is composed of dots, lines or blocks of color that modify in the end our visual perception. Each book thus reveals its own dynamics and allows us to explore endless combinations of reading, in 2D or
tree: Fruit trees are social and need company in order to give us their delicious gifts