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Checklist of Parc Macaya Vascular Plants – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

by Joel C. Timyan and Walter S. Judd This checklist is primarily based on specimens on deposit in the University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS) and selected specimens cited or known to be on deposit at other herbaria (e.g., EHH, JBSD, S). Status: Native; Intro=non-native HI=island endemic
Destructive Analysis Procedures Estimated Cost of FLAS Services & Supplies Exchange & Gift

  • International
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Herbarium Library – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

The University of Florida Herbarium maintains a non-circulating reference library of publications pertinent to the naming and classification of vascular plants (plant taxonomy and nomenclature). The literature in this collection contains descriptions, geographical ranges and keys for differentiatin
Destructive Analysis Procedures Estimated Cost of FLAS Services & Supplies Exchange & Gift

  • International
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