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#3 Talking about Digital Freedom

Digitalisation has opened up a world of opportunity. Today we have access to vast amounts of information, inconceivable 20 years ago. The cost of communication with others has plummeted and is now marginal. The majority of the world’s population has cheap access to the means of communication, hardware, software and the associated services.
Lubura (Serbia), Sukarn Singh Maini (India), Kristo Enn

Event: Strengthening Digital Resilience: What Can We Learn from Taiwan and Estonia?

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Global Innovation Hub (FNF Global Innovation Hub) hereby cordially invites you to join our event Strengthening Digital Resilience: What Can We Learn from Taiwan and Estonia
台北市信義區基隆路一段153-1號 萬世大樓/ 捷運市政府站1號出口 Speakers: Kristo Enn

IAF: Von Gümmersbach nach Berlin: Lernen über die Verteidigung der Menschenrechte im Internet

Diego Ato, Projektmanager am Instituto Pro Libertad (IPL) und Menschenrechtsaktivist, nahm an dem Seminar „Die Verteidigung der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte im Internet, in der Gesellschaft und in der Geschäftswelt“ der Internationalen Akademie für Führung (IAF) der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF) teil. Für ihn war dies eine großartige Gelegenheit, einen sehr umfassenden und modernen Ansatz für Menschenrechte in der globalisierten und digitalen Welt, in der wir leben, aus der Nähe kennenzulernen. In diesem Artikel teilt er seine Erfahrungen
hatte den jüngsten Abgeordneten Estlands, Kristy Enn

IAF: From Gummersbach to Berlin: Learning about the defense of human rights on the internet

Diego Ato, project coordinator of the Instituto Pro Libertad (IPL) and human rights activist, participated in the seminar „The defense of human and civil rights on the Internet, in society and in the business world“ of the International Leadership Academy (IAF) of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). For him, this was a great opportunity to learn about a very comprehensive approach to human rights and at the forefront of the globalized and digital world we live in. Here is his testimony.
youngest member of the Estonian parliament, Kristy Enn

Event: Digital Resilience of Taiwan and Estonia: Empowering Citizens and Boosting Global Collaboration amid Authoritarian Challenges

Taiwan and Estonia, both aware of their unique geopolitical challenges, have prioritized strategies against disinformation and cyber threats, placing a strong emphasis on digital resilience. The dialogue during the event underscored the critical role of both the public and private sectors in combating cyberattacks and the need for international cooperation among democratic allies facing authoritarian pressures.
included Estonian Reform Party Parliamentarians Kristo Enn

International Academy for Leadership: Dari Perdebatan Big Tech hingga Kecerdasan Artifisial di Gummersbach

Hafizh Nabiyyin, alumni IAF yang juga aktif di Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet), merefleksikan ilmu serta pengalaman yang didapatkannya selama berada di Gummersbach. Ia duduk dalam beberapa sesi diskusi seputar digitalisasi, raksasa teknologi (big tech), dan bahkan perkembangan kecerdasan artifisial. Melalui tulisan ini, Hafizh berusaha mengontekstualisasikan ilmu yang diterimanya dengan kondisi riil sosial dan politik Indonesia saat ini.
e-governance, pelaksana kegiatan menghadirkan Kristo Enn