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Ein optischer Ein-Photonen-Transistor mit hoher Verstärkung

Einen optischen Transistor mit einer Verstärkung um den Faktor 20 hat ein Team um G. Rempe am Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik entwickelt. Dabei wird das Einzel-Photonen-Signal eines Gatter-Pulses durch die Wechselwirkung mit einer Atomwolke und einem Ziel-Puls um den Faktor 20 verstärkt. Ein Ein-Photonen-Transistor könnte für die Quanteninformationsverarbeitung interessant sein.
Nun nutzen sie ein Phänomen namens „Elektromagnetisch Induzierte Transparenz“ (EIT

Training atoms

Single atoms can’t be grasped through everyday experience: even a drop of water or a microorganism is made up of countless numbers of them. But Gerhard Rempe, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, uses single atoms to study the interaction between light and matter at the most elementary level. The work that he and his team perform is creating the foundations for a future quantum internet.
control laser, which effects the so-called electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT

Training atoms

Single atoms can’t be grasped through everyday experience: even a drop of water or a microorganism is made up of countless numbers of them. But Gerhard Rempe, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, uses single atoms to study the interaction between light and matter at the most elementary level. The work that he and his team perform is creating the foundations for a future quantum internet.
control laser, which effects the so-called electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT