Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Dominikanische Republik

Ministry of Education – english information

The mission of the Ministry of Education (MINERD) is to regulate the Dominican education system according to the education laws and thus guarantee the equal right to quality education for every Dominican. This is possible by means of the formation of liberal, critical and creative Dominicans which are capable of participating and constructing a free, democratic, participative, just and solidary society and which are capable to question this society constructively.

Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology – english information

The homepage of the ministry shows, beside a box about the ministry itself, the following areas: higher education ( institutions, scholarships, information technology in higher education, service and counselling, virtual library); science and technology (projects, service); the national information system. Furthermore, there are numerous hints on national, international and English scholarships.

Educando – The Dominican Education Portal – english information

Educando – The Dominican Education Portal is an initiative, which supports the development of the Dominican digital infrastructure; it examines resources and contents which are of interest for the educational society. Educando directs itself to all participants of the national education: schools, teachers, graduates and managers. The goals of educando are to promote the quality of education through ICT and to offer tools, software, resources etc. to educators, which permit them to work more efficiently and thereby to evolve the possibilities for education of ICT.

Education and Research – english information

Dominicana on line, an information portel of the Dominican Republic, offers detailed knowledge of diverse aspects of the country. The category „Educación e Investigación“ presents general information about „Primary, Secondary & Superior Education“, a list of Dominican universities including information about the subjects as well as links to the homepages of the higher education institutions in „Universities and programs“; furthermore, „Scholarships and Exchanges“ presents information about international programs and funds, and, in „Statistics on Education“, several educational statistics of the years 2008-2009 can be viewed.

Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology – english information

The homepage of the ministry shows, beside a box about the ministry itself, the following areas: higher education ( institutions, scholarships, information technology in higher education, service and counselling, virtual library); science and technology (projects, service); the national information system. Furthermore, there are numerous hints on national, international and English scholarships.

Cámbrico – english information

Cámbrico is an interactive portal, which functions as data base and search engine for primarily academical information and, therefore, ensures a more qualitative knowledge acquisition. This tool filtres and analyzes in objective and precise search processes in the temporal and geographical context, to find adequate data in all its depth. This project satisfies the prevailing necessity of research in diverse knowledge areas, but is also active for the obejctives of education development and staff formation by searching events in chronological order presenting the result to its members.

Ministry of Youth – english information

The mission of the Ministry of Youth (MJ) of the Dominican Republic is to ensure the integrated development of the Dominican Youth from the age of 15 to 35 in the frame of an effective coordination through the execution of youth policies in the processes of decision-making, execution and activities with a pluralistic and democratic notion complying with a gender focus within the human rights. Furthermore, the ministry supervizes the application of the general youth policies with participation of the youth in pluralistic and democratic institutions, whereby the application of the general laws of the Dominican Republic are coordinated and facilitated. Also, it cooperates with GOs and NGOs to guarantee the application of the programs, schemes and projects which lead to the implementation of the sectorial policies and to the application of youth policies.