Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Dominikanische Republik

Unidos RD – english information

„UNIDOSRD“ is a nonprofit association dedicated to creating a society of leaders who can improve and contribute effectively to the development of a model nation, bringing the program both national through projects leadership to help raise educational standards in the country. Its objectives are to maintain a cultur of youth leaders which is obtained by programs which are active in all fields of intellectual growth, in the establishment of education programs and in the vocational training of youth leaders in all aspects concerning human development; furthermore, the association wants to start MDG (Millennium Development Goals) focussed programs and organize lectures, courses and seminars; UNIDOSRD strives as well for the sustainable intellectual development of future leaders.

Junior Achivement Dominicana – english information

The Junior Achivement Dominicana is a non-profit service organisation which supports the development and the execution of education programs in economic and vocational aspects and aspects of human relations of children and the youth: through helping them to understand the importance of the economy of the free market, the roll of the bureaus and negociations in global economy, the compromise between the economic system and the social as well as environmental questions and the relevance of education for the later occupation. This is effected by the interaction between the economic world and education.

Dominican Association of University Principals – english information

The mission of the Dominican Association of University Principals (ADRU) is the promotion of the development of the member institutions in the frame of quality, autonomy and academical pluralism. Also, it wants to favor strategies which aim for the strengthening of the university education system as well as of science and technology of the Dominican Republic. The association fosters the cooperation between its members in the academical and investigative field as well as in Service and management. Furthermore, ADRU contributes to the development and the qualification of the other education levels of the country. Also, it represents and defends the interests of its members and organizes events to contribute to their success. And ADRU assists in the development of the scientific-technological structure of the country as well as in the fostering of authentic values of the Dominican society.

Dominican Virtual Library – english information

Biblioteca Dominico-Virtual was created to contribute to the education and formation of students. Its objective is to facilitate the research and competence process. It is a tool for professionals respectively for all those who want to deepen their knowledge, according to the large variety and profundity of themes and branches. Currently (mai 2011), the homepage contains more than 1000 sites about the most important themes in regard to education.

Ministry of Education – english information

The mission of the Ministry of Education (MINERD) is to regulate the Dominican education system according to the education laws and thus guarantee the equal right to quality education for every Dominican. This is possible by means of the formation of liberal, critical and creative Dominicans which are capable of participating and constructing a free, democratic, participative, just and solidary society and which are capable to question this society constructively.

Dominican Virtual Library – english information

Biblioteca Dominico-Virtual was created to contribute to the education and formation of students. Its objective is to facilitate the research and competence process. It is a tool for professionals respectively for all those who want to deepen their knowledge, according to the large variety and profundity of themes and branches. Currently (mai 2011), the homepage contains more than 1000 sites about the most important themes in regard to education.