Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Dominikanische Republik

Oficina Nacional de Estadística – english information

The website of the national statistics office offers, amongst others, statistics on education. Under the rubric „Productos sociales – Educación“, several statistics about the number of students in different institutes respectively regions, about the different education institutes as well as about the teaching staff can be found. The data cover a period of about 10 years.

National Education Systems – english information

The website of the Organisación de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Sciencia y la Cultura (OEI) informs about the education system of the Dominican Republic. In a first section, the organisation of the education system is presented, the second section includes educational legislation, the third section contains education statistics, the forth section comprises the „Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo de la Educación Dominicana 2003-2012“ (strategical plan for the development of the Dominican education 2003-2012) and the fith section presents some education programs and projects.