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About Us – Prague | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

In 2004, the Central European and Baltic countries joined the European Union as new members. Democratic, pluralistic and free market oriented institutional structures were established in all of these countries after 199. However, their achievements are now endangered by nationalistic and populistic tendencies. At the same time, many of these countries are demonstrating remarkable reforms in their economies and societies. Our task is to strengthen liberal forces, both political and intellectual, in the region. Our project office in Prague particularly supports the network, which serves as a centre of competence and a platform for dialogue. Its members develop reform concepts and policy papers that are relevant for national as well as European decision makers and aim at fostering free and open societies. More information:
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO New-Delhi

Tunesien : Video: Tunesien im Umbruch

Am 15. September geht es in Tunesien in die erste Runde der Präsidentschaftswahlen. Nach dem Tod des ersten demokratisch gewählten und viel verehrten Staatspräsident Beji Qaid Essebsi steht die junge Demokratie erneut vor einer Reifeprüfung. Unser Tunesien-Experte Alexander Rieper spricht im Video über die politische Ausgangslage vor den Wahlen. 
EN DE Seoul Korea EN DE KO Neu-Delhi