Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bundestag

Spanien, Italien, Portugal und Mittelmeerdialog | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Das Büro Madrid setzt sich für liberale Werte und Ideen in Südeuropa ein und stärkt den politischen Dialog zwischen politischen Parteien, wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Organisationen aus der Zivilgesellschaft in Spanien, Italien, Portugal, Deutschland und der EU. Wir möchten zur Lösung spezifischer regionaler Herausforderungen in Südeuropa beitragen und „best practices“ aus dieser für den europäischen Integrationsprozess immer wichtigeren Region hervorheben. Gleichzeitig widmet sich das Projektbüro dem strategischen interregionalen Dialog im Mittelmeerraum zu Themen wie Freihandel, Energie, Sicherheit oder Migration.
November erhielt das FNF-Dialogprojekt Madrid hochrangigen Besuch aus dem deutschen Bundestag

Dakar (Western Africa) | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Foundation for Freedom has had a presence in Dakar, Senegal since 1980. From here it manages most of the West- African Subregion. Senegal has experienced several peaceful transitions of power since achieving independence in 1960. It is considered the most stable country in West Africa. The Foundation focuses its work in Senegal and  in the region on the rule of law, the market economy and respect for human rights. It supports liberal political partners and selected future political leaders. It actively identifies and promotes organisations and individuals willing to take responsibility and contribute to development.
Sénégal 22.06.2021 Visite du Bundestag Suite à un voyage de la délégation du Ministère

Moldau und Georgien : Moldau und Georgien

Das IJMD organisiert jährlich Mediendialogprogramme. 2024 reiste eine Gruppe von Medienschaffenden aus der Republik Moldau kurz vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen und dem EU-Referendum am 20. Oktober nach Berlin. Ende Oktober folgte eine Gruppe deutscher Journalisten nach Georgien, mit der Option, an der Wahlbeobachtermission für die Parlamentswahlen am 26. Oktober teilzunehmen.
der moldauischen Journalisten während Gespräche mit deutschen Fachkollegen, im Bundestag

IAF: Liberalism and Geopolitics: How to Deal With a Changing World Order

In a rapidly shifting global landscape, the traditional ideals of liberalism face unprecedented challenges. The rise of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Russia’s recent incursions have left the liberal international community grappling with how to preserve democratic principles. Against this backdrop, a group of 25 global experts gathered at the International Academy for Leadership to explore the nexus of Liberalism and Geopolitics.
and Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (Chair of the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag

Italy: Italien hat gewählt – Rechtsbündnis erzielt klare Mehrheit

The radical right achieves a historic victory in Italy. The far-right Fratelli d’Italia party becomes the strongest force by far and is thus likely to lead the future government. What are the consequences of the right-wing alliance’s election victory for the country and the EU? An analysis by our expert David Henneberger.
Three Answers on the Italian Election with Nicole Westig, Member of the German Bundestag

Reshape Europe Conference : Europe must unite in the face of global challenges

The Reshape Europe Conference of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom on 10 October 2023 set a milestone in the global dialogue on the question: How can Europe become more resilient and sovereign to stand up to autocratic governments? Together with international experts, the Foundation discussed the challenges of the new era in terms of economy, security, energy and the liberal values of democracy.
panel, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Chair of the Defense Committee in the German Bundestag

Study Tour Report: Study Tour visit Report on Renewable Energy Transition

The weeklong interactive study tour organized by the World Order and Globalization Hub in May 2023 with the energy stakeholders in Washington DC and Portland, Oregon, was a rather insightful visit. This interaction that was organized with the larger theme of ‚Renewable Energy Transition‘ was a learning process on many fronts.
Wolfgang Kubicki, Vice President of the German Bundestag, visited Portugal on a friendly

Energy turnaround: Morocco – climate champion with question marks

From a ban on plastic bags to the world’s largest solar power plant, Morocco likes to present itself as a pioneer in climate policy. Europeans are also pinning their hopes for green electricity from the desert on the kingdom. But Morocco’s image as a climate champion is increasingly being tarnished.
Wolfgang Kubicki, Vice President of the German Bundestag, visited Portugal on a friendly

Parliament Elections: Liberal success stories in the Netherlands – What Liberals can learn from the Dutch elections

In the Netherlands, the Liberals achieved successes in the last parliamentary elections that Liberals in Germany can only dream of. Jeroen Dobber analyses what led the VVD and D66 to their electoral success and gives an outlook on what lessons could be adopted internationally to help liberalism to flourish.
liberals   In a previous article on, Otto Fricke, Member of the German Bundestag