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NSG Doggerbank NSG Fehmarnbelt NSG Kadetrinne NSG Pommersche Bucht
NSG Doggerbank NSG Fehmarnbelt NSG Kadetrinne NSG Pommersche Bucht
The seminar „Financial Instruments for Nature Conservation in CEE“, jointly organised by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and the IUCN Office for Central Europe with financial support of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, was held at the International Academy for Nature Conservation of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation on the Isle of Vilm in May 2001 in order to look at two major problems: The need to find new funding mechanisms for nature conservation due to limited state budgets and the insufficient information on financial instruments relevant for and used in Central and Eastern European Countries.
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Der vorliegende Band erörtert die Grenzen, die dem deutschen Jagdrecht aufgrund des internationalen, europäischen und nationalen Naturschutzrechts erwachsen, beurteilt die Integration von Naturschutzbelangen in das Jagdrecht aus rechtlicher Sicht und arbeitet hieraus resultierende Anpassungserfordernisse heraus.
NSG Doggerbank NSG Fehmarnbelt NSG Kadetrinne NSG Pommersche Bucht
Public international law is the sum of rules, which establish the principles of conduct, necessary for the well-ordered living together of the people of this world and are not provided for in the municipal law of each sovereign state.
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Through the ratification of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), member countries have made a commitment to support the conservation of biological diversity. One of the measures of the convention is a resolution to introduce „appropriate procedures requiring environmental impact as-sessment of its proposed projects that are likely to have significant adverse effects on biological diver-sity with a view to avoiding or minimizing such effects“ (Article 14 1a).
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