Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Brüssel

G6 publish joint White Paper

Six major European research organisations – the G6 – published their common statement on the priorities they wish to see in the design of the next EU Framework Programme on Research and Innovation (FP10). The statement reflects the outcome of a high-level dialogue that the G6 organised at Ringberg Castle (Bavaria) from April 17 to 19, 2023. The G6 invited representatives from the national governments of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, from the EU Commission as well as science experts to discuss the future of European research and the strategic imperatives for the next EU Framework Programme.
Brussels office manager brussels-office@…

Multi-million euro boost for young researchers: 16 ERC Starting Grants for Max-Planck

On September 5, 2024, young researchers from Max Planck Institutes secured 16 of the 98 ERC Starting Grants awarded to Germany. These prestigious grants, each averaging €1.5 million, will enable recipients to support their research groups for five years. Additionally, the funding aims to empower them to launch independent projects and lead their own teams, fostering innovative research ideas.
European Research Council (ERC) 2022 were announced Multi-million euro grants from Brussels

Studie zu ergänzenden Schutzzertifikaten

Ergänzende Schutzzertifikate (ESZ) sind Sui-generis-Schutzrechte, die den Patentschutz im Bereich der pharmakologischen und pflanzenschutzmittelbezogenen Forschung faktisch verlängern. Die Studie des Max-Planck-Instituts für Innovation und Wettbewerb untersucht das Funktionieren des Systems und erarbeitet Reformvorschläge.
Final Report European Commission, Brussels (2018) Source Korrespondierender Autor