Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Brüssel

Große Koalition verpasst Chance für einen modernen Jugendschutz – VAUNET

Anlässlich der für Freitag, 5. März 2021, geplanten Verabschiedung der Reform des Jugendschutzgesetzes durch den Deutschen Bundestag ziehen Bitkom, game – Verband der deutschen Games-Branche, die Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft (SPIO) und VAUNET – Verband Privater Medien Bilanz.
(Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien) mit Sitz in Berlin und einem Büro in Brüssel

Film/AV sector regrets that the European Parliament missed the opportunity to make the Internet a safer space for everyone – VAUNET

The undersigned organisations representing the creative and business communities of the film and audiovisual sector in Europe regret that the European Parliament plenary vote on the Digital Services Act failed to achieve the stated goal of making internet intermediaries more accountable and creating a safer, better-functioning online environment for everyone.
Parliament missed the opportunity to make the Internet a safer space for everyone Brussels

European Parliament’s DMA vote paves the way for a future-forward media sector – VAUNET

A broad coalition from the European media sector, including public and commercial broadcasters, radios and the press, applauds the European Parliament’s vote on the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”).
European Parliament’s DMA vote paves the way for a future-forward media sector Brussels

Broadcasters welcome Parliament MAAP report outlining key orientations for upcoming & future EC initiatives on audiovisual issues – VAUNET

Broadcasters welcome today’s adoption by the European Parliament of its report on ‘Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation’. In so doing, we express our congratulations to MEP and rapporteur Dace Melbārde.
key orientations for upcoming & future EC initiatives on audiovisual issues Brussels

DSA: Disappointing IMCO vote, but a genuinely safe and trustworthy online environment is still possible – VAUNET

Members of the IMCO committee approved today the committee report on the proposal for a regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services (Digital Services Act – DSA) amending the eCommerce directive from 2000.
, but a genuinely safe and trustworthy online environment is still possible Brussels

Study: Illegal TV Consumption Still Causes High Economic and Social Losses – VAUNET

Watching illegal live content on TV was still widespread in 2022 and has actually increased noticeably in recent years. TV piracy causes annual economic losses of €1.8 billion, while foregone taxes and social security contributions total €390 million. This is the conclusion of a VAUNET-study on TV piracy.
We see no clear sign of support from Brussels or the German government, and demand