Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

Key to rapid planet formation

Ring-shaped disturbances in disks of gas and dust orbiting young stars can trigger the formation of several gas giants. Researchers have come to this conclusion based on a new model that combines all the physical processes involved in planet formation for the first time. According to this model, giant planets can form more efficiently and faster than previously assumed. These results are consistent with recent observations.
phenomenon – by which time the tail stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad

A puzzle piece from stellar chemistry could change our measurements of cosmic expansion

Astronomers led by Maria Bergemann (Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy) have performed chemical measurements on stars that could markedly change the way cosmologists measure the Hubble constant and determine the amount of so-called dark energy in our universe. Using improved models of how the presence of chemical elements affects a star’s spectrum, the researchers found that so-called supernovae Type Ia have different properties than previously thought. Based on assumption about their brightness, cosmologists have used those supernovae to measure the expansion history of the universe. In light of the new results, it is now likely those assumptions will need to be revised.
That is bad news for cosmologists who rely on Supernova Ia standard candles, where

First sighting of hot gas sloshing in galaxy cluster

Using ESA’s XMM-Newton X-ray observatory, scientists led by the Max Planck Institute for Ex-traterrestrial Physics have identified hot gas sloshing around inside a galaxy cluster – a never-before-seen behaviour that may be driven by turbulent merger events.
phenomenon – by which time the tail stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad

Über die Offenheit, Strukturen zu überdenken

Wir wollten von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Verantwortlichen innerhalb der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft wissen: Wie schätzen Sie die momentane Situation für Frauen in der Forschung ein? Welche Maßnahmen wären wichtig, um den Frauenanteil in führenden Positionen zu erhöhen? Wo gehen Ihnen die Maßnahmen nicht weit genug? Wir erhielten dazu sehr differenzierte – teilweise sehr persönliche – Einschätzungen. Diese sollen nachdenklich stimmen und zur weiteren Diskussion anregen.
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