Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

Here Comes the Sun

What makes a song successful in the competitive music market remains a mystery. In a new study, an international research team including the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, suggests that environmental factors such as weather conditions and seasonal patterns can play a significant role in shaping listener preferences and choices, potentially impacting a song’s success in the market.
phenomenon – by which time the tail stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad

Herz und Lunge – von der Entwicklungsbiologie zur Therapie

Die koronare Herzerkrankung ist die häufigste Todesursache, angeborene Herzfehler sind die häufigsten Geburtsfehler und Lungenkrebs ist der Krebs mit der höchsten Sterberate. Zur Bekämpfung der Ursachen ist es wichtig, die Mechanismen zu verstehen, welche die Embryonalentwicklung von Herz und Lunge steuern.
Korrespondierender Autor Felix Engel Max-Planck-Institut für Herz- und Lungenforschung, Bad

Sunrise III found safe at landing site

Following the termination of the flight of the balloon-borne solar observatory Sunrise III last Sunday morning, July 10, team members have reached the landing site and found the observatory’s science payload largely intact. According to current information, the flight had to be ended a few hours after launch because the solar telescope it was carrying, the centerpiece of Sunrise III, could not be pointed at the Sun. The cause for this is currently under investigation. All options are being examined for a launch of the observatory next year or later.
phenomenon – by which time the tail stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad

Archaeogenetics reveals unknown migration in the South Pacific

Only some 3500 years ago people began to colonize the South Pacific archipelagos of Oceania. An international team of researchers including scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena now analyzed for the first time, the genomes of the first settlers who lived on the island chains Tonga and Vanuatu 3100-2500 years ago. The results, published today in Nature contradict common assumptions about the colonization of the region and point to another large and previously unknown migration wave from Melanesia.
phenomenon – by which time the tail stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad

Herz und Lunge – von der Entwicklungsbiologie zur Therapie

Die koronare Herzerkrankung ist die häufigste Todesursache, angeborene Herzfehler sind die häufigsten Geburtsfehler und Lungenkrebs ist der Krebs mit der höchsten Sterberate. Zur Bekämpfung der Ursachen ist es wichtig, die Mechanismen zu verstehen, welche die Embryonalentwicklung von Herz und Lunge steuern.
Korrespondierender Autor Felix Engel Max-Planck-Institut für Herz- und Lungenforschung, Bad