Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

The power of lines and strokes – how our brain recognises line drawings

How is it possible for the brain to recognise drawn objects as houses or animals? In a recent study scientists investigated how our perception of line drawings differs from natural images. It shows that the perception of objects is particularly robust to changes in our environment.
If you cannot draw very well, for example, that’s not so bad: the brain already helps

Brain areas for distinguishing good and evil

When someone offends you while smiling, should your brain interpret it as a genuine smile or as an offense? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig and the University of Haifa, Israel, have identified neural mechanisms that help us understand whether a difficult social situation is emotionally positive or negative. To do this, they used emotionally confusing scenes from movies like Quentin Tarantino’s “Reservoir Dogs”.
areas for distinguishing good and evil Brain areas distinguishing between good and bad

Dancers are less neurotic

A study led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, has shown that both amateur and professional dancers are less neurotic than people who do not dance. They are also more agreeable, more open, and more extraverted. But genre of dance matters.
phenomenon – by which time the tail stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad