Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

Urania: muse of (gravitational-wave) astronomy

The new supercomputer “Urania” has been put into operation by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam. With 6,048 compute-cores and 22 Terabyte of memory it is just as powerful as its predecessor, but requires only half the electricity to operate. Scientists in the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity department are now able to compute gravitational waveforms of coalescing black holes in ever more complex encounters.
stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad

Alles, was über Ihre DNA-Sequenz hinausgeht, ist wichtig

Wie beeinflussen Verhalten und Umwelt die Funktion des Genoms? Epigenetische Modifikationen des Genoms, zu denen chemische Veränderungen an Proteinen, RNA oder DNA gehören, sind umkehrbar. Sie verändern die DNA-Sequenz nicht, können aber das Ablesen der DNA beeinflussen. Wir interessieren uns für die Regulation der epigenetischen Veränderung komplexer Merkmale über Generationen hinweg. Dazu kombinieren wir Bioinformatik, Epigenomik, Tumorbiologie und Fliegengenetik, um die Rolle der Veränderungen und der daran beteiligten Enzyme bei Alterung, Entwicklung und Krankheiten zu untersuchen.
Max-Planck-Institut für Herz- und Lungenforschung, Bad

Dancers are less neurotic

A study led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, has shown that both amateur and professional dancers are less neurotic than people who do not dance. They are also more agreeable, more open, and more extraverted. But genre of dance matters.
stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad

Cultural evolution: one million artists can’t be wrong!

Scientists researching the origins and evolution of graphic codes have turned to the popular web platform Reddit to explore how culture evolves. When a Reddit art initiative attracted over one million online participants, Thomas Müller and James Winters of the Minds and Traditions (Mint) group at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History saw an opportunity to test the dynamics of cultural change.
stars had already had a long career as bringers of bad