Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad


Zu den Aufgaben gehören unter anderem die Unterstützung des Abteilungsleiters bei administrativen und organisatorischen Aufgaben, die selbstständige Bearbeitung der täglichen Korrespondenz in deutscher und englischer Sprache sowie die Planung und Buchung von Dienstreisen im In- und Ausland als auch die Organisation von Veranstaltungen, die Vereinbarung und Überwachung von Terminen sowie abteilungsinterne Aufgaben.
größte Teleskop in Europa, das 100-m-Radio­teleskop in Bad

Crafoord-Preis für Reinhard Genzel

Die Königlich Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften gab heute bekannt, dass der Crafoord-Preis in Astronomie 2012 gemeinsam an Reinhard Genzel vom Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, und Andrea Ghez von der University of California, Los Angeles, USA, verliehen wird „für ihre Beobachtungen der Sterne, die das galaktische Zentrum umkreisen und damit auf ein massereiches schwarzes Loch hinweisen“.
Reinhard Genzel wurde 1952 in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe

Was ist schön?

Der Senat der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft hat die Gründung eines Max-Planck-Instituts für empirische Ästhetik in Frankfurt am Main beschlossen. Das neue Institut, das mit 45 Millionen Euro vom Land Hessen mitfinanziert wird, soll mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden klären, welche psychischen, neuronalen und soziokulturellen Grundlagen ästhetische Empfindungen und Urteile beim Menschen haben.
In Bad Nauheim forschen Wissenschaftler am MPI für

Negative image of people produces selfish actions

The expectations people have about how others will behave play a large role in determining whether people cooperate with each other or not. And moreover that very first expectation, or impression, is hard to change. „This is particularly true when the impression is a negative one,“ says Michael Kurschilgen from the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn, summarising the key findings of a study in which he and his colleagues Christoph Engel and Sebastian Kube examined the results of so-called public good games. One’s own expectation thereby becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: those who expect people to act selfishly, actually experience uncooperative behaviour from others more often.
the other way around – good examples did not make bad

Earliest Quasars

Using the space telescope JWST, astronomers have examined one of the most distant known black holes in the universe. Their observations provide a glimpse of the growth of black holes in the early universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang. Surprisingly, the early black hole in question seems to be “feeding” in much the same manner as its more recent kin. Astronomers have been struggling for a while now to explain how the earliest black holes gained their considerable masses. The new results all but rule out unusually efficient feeding mechanisms at early times as a possible solution. The results have been published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
The bad news for those whose preferred solution to

Earliest Quasars

Using the space telescope JWST, astronomers have examined one of the most distant known black holes in the universe. Their observations provide a glimpse of the growth of black holes in the early universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang. Surprisingly, the early black hole in question seems to be “feeding” in much the same manner as its more recent kin. Astronomers have been struggling for a while now to explain how the earliest black holes gained their considerable masses. The new results all but rule out unusually efficient feeding mechanisms at early times as a possible solution. The results have been published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
The bad news for those whose preferred solution to

Earliest Quasars

Using the space telescope JWST, astronomers have examined one of the most distant known black holes in the universe. Their observations provide a glimpse of the growth of black holes in the early universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang. Surprisingly, the early black hole in question seems to be “feeding” in much the same manner as its more recent kin. Astronomers have been struggling for a while now to explain how the earliest black holes gained their considerable masses. The new results all but rule out unusually efficient feeding mechanisms at early times as a possible solution. The results have been published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
The bad news for those whose preferred solution to