Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bad

Sicherheit: Russland, eine Bedrohung für die liberale Ordnung?

Zum Abschluss der 59. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (17.-19. Februar) war Russland immer noch Vertragspartei des Neuen Vertrags zur Reduzierung strategischer Waffen (START), obwohl die Duma zwei Tage später die Ankündigung von Präsident Wladimir Putin ratifizierte, sein Land werde sich aus diesem lebenswichtigen und strategischen Abkommen zurückziehen, um ein neues atomares Wettrüsten zu verhindern, das nun unvermeidlich scheint.
have future control over the continent, and this is bad

war impact: Inflationary wave in the Mediterranean

The current inflationary trend is the result of a combination of factors such as production bottlenecks after the pandemic, the post-Covid rush for recovery and, above all, the war in Ukraine. Europe, the US and the various countries of the Mediterranean basin are proving unable to control this historic escalation in energy supply prices.
rate, of 7.2% in June (5.9% in May), it is still a bad

Women In Politics: Inspiring Women 2022

It is not easy and I realised that all over the world, women are facing common challenges that men do not face in the same leadership roles. Our communities expect so much from women but at the same time, they need us to be careful and follow their rules. Our societies think that if a woman becomes a leader or politician, she should not dress in a certain way and she should communicate in a certain way, something that is not expected from men.
We have good and bad moments.

MENAPOL Blog: A Silent War

When the first planes appeared in the sky, Fatima* was outside, working in the backyard. As the first bomb fell on her family’s house in Sanaa, she did not run away. Instead, she rushed back, trying to make her way through the flames and the smoke that were slowly engulfing the building, to reach the room where she had left her three-year-old daughter.
“Our financial situation was bad”, she recounts.

Alumni: Building Bridges: The Case for Socializing Liberalism

In a world polarized by competing ideologies, the IAF’s „Liberalism vs. Populism“ seminar provides a platform for reflecting on the challenge facing liberalism in a political landscape marked by the rise of populism. Irina Burgaza shares her reflections, highlighting the need for liberalism to connect with the people effectively. How can liberals win in this context?
¨us versus them¨ dynamics, that there´s always a ¨bad

Tocqueville Conversations 2022: Does Putin’s aggression help to (re-)unify a disintegrating European Union?

The Russian invasion reveals cracks in EU’s political unity as well as constitutional shortcomings, especially in the area of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). In particular, the decision-making on sanctions against Russia showed once again that rapid, coordinated action by all Member States is difficult to achieve in the current CFSP-system.
Although this proposal was criticized by Ukraine as a bad

EU-Gipfel: Sitzung des Europäischen Rates

Die Europäische Union nimmt Beitrittsgespräche mit der Ukraine auf, kann sich aber gleichzeitig nicht auf ein Hilfspaket für die Ukraine einigen. Der ungarische Ministerpräsident scheint seine Kolleginnen und Kollegen erfolgreich dazu gedrängt zu haben, die demokratische Seele der Europäischen Union zu verraten. Dabei kann es nicht bleiben.
Landes aufgefordert, eine lange Dusche oder gar ein Bad