Let’s practise English – Seite 9 – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/board/ftopic37-s120.html
Oh, I hope the bad weather will pass you by very fast!
Oh, I hope the bad weather will pass you by very fast!
well that 1) I really hated it to study vocabularys 2) My marks being very very bad
Die Rede von Bill Clinton zur Amtseinführung 1993
It is time to break the bad habit of expecting something for nothing, from our government
Sprichwörter im Englischen, alphabetisch geordnet Deutsch und Englisch mit Übersetzung
A bad workman always blames his tools.
For example, many Germans pronounce bed, bet and bad exactly the same because they
The issue is that there are heaps of movies providing bad audio quality. E.g.
Dez 2007 08:24 great at english. bad at german.
Apr 2014 23:45 Bad – Evil Letzter Beitrag von Danny « 1.
Richard Armitage, which is not true.. much ) and the latest Star Trek film was not bad
However, a couple of fan clique show us the bad side from the football.