Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben
The last version isn’t on in the cinemas any longer probably (bad luck!)
The last version isn’t on in the cinemas any longer probably (bad luck!)
Sprichwörter im Englischen, alphabetisch geordnet Englisch und Deutsch mit Übersetzung
– Englisch-Deutsch Deutsch – Englisch Englisch – Deutsch Englisch Deutsch A bad
Also some guys in a forum about books told me, that the translation is very bad..
If Brazil will play as bad as the other favorites have played, we’ll get a real chance
Actually my day didn’t go to bad Duckduck, we even got a bit of sun between the rain
Jul 2010 09:55 Hiya Jamie, I think your German isn’t bad at all.
But as I’m not a language wiz it would be a bad idea. (Correct?
The bad thing is, they don’t know about this at all.
„Station in very bad order, sir. Director will growl.
you, there are lots of novels which have quite a good plot, but they’re simply bad