Hi, i’m new and i would like to know it really accurate … – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/board/ftopic12690.html
Your English is by far not as bad as you think and with a little bit of practise
Your English is by far not as bad as you think and with a little bit of practise
allways try to learn, get knownledge and stands after falling in sthing. i’m very bad
Die Rede von George Bush zur Amtseinführung 2001
We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength.
„the number 13 is often associated with bad luck“ = „Die Zahl 13 wird oft mit Unglück
Which is probably not necessarily a bad thing haha!
However I uses the majority of my time to work at PC, especially at bad weather.
Die Rede von Bill Clinton zur Amtseinführung 1993
It is time to break the bad habit of expecting something for nothing, from our government
For example, many Germans pronounce bed, bet and bad exactly the same because they
Sprichwörter im Englischen, alphabetisch geordnet Deutsch und Englisch mit Übersetzung
A bad workman always blames his tools.
The issue is that there are heaps of movies providing bad audio quality. E.g.