Blunders: Bad Moves That Lead to Big Advantages | –
In chess, a blunder is a bad move that can cost you a game.
Equally important is avoiding bad moves.
In chess, a blunder is a bad move that can cost you a game.
Equally important is avoiding bad moves.
the same squares, but once the game begins it’s up to you to make them good or bad – If you notice your opponent has bad pieces, look for opportunities to attack!
Now that we’ve seen some examples of good pawns gone bad, like the
Back Rank Mates Tricky Styly…by, Ms Jessica Martin (aka BoundingOwl) Back Rank mates can be simple or tricky. They usually happen when the king has c…
Big Bad Back Rank Blast Off!
Everyone’s had a bad game in a tournament before.
Psychology: The Dark Side Of Analyzing Chess Everyone’s had a bad game in a tournament
The Good And Bad Bughouse, the most frenetic of chess variants, is continuously
The bad news is that if you continue to play chess, you will have to deal with
How To Handle Tough Losses The bad news is that if you continue to play chess
What makes a bishop
GM Benzoo shows you what happens when you are in a pickle – you have to move, even though you don’t want to. This is called
Hey ChessKids and Parents/Coaches, Liam recently wrote a great article about how to use our Analysis Board here. We’ve added even more great analysis …
the most out of Analysis, make sure you pay attention to your good moves AND your bad