Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Amazon

Caring About Conservation | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

What is conservation? Why is it important? Caring About Conservation explores the meaning of „conservation,“ some of the animals Smithsonian scientists are trying to save, and what we can all do to protect wildlife.
Explore the Rainforest Fly, leap and swim along on an adventure through the Amazon

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Matamata turtle | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

The matamata is a South American turtle with a striking appearance. Its carapace, or shell, is rough and knobby, and its long neck has skin fringes, bumps and ridges. The matamata turtle’s large, flat head features a wide mouth and a long, snorkel-like snout.
Native Habitat Matamata turtles are found throughout the Amazon in northern South

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Finding Fish in Peru, Part One | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

One fish, two fish, red-blue Peru tetra fish. In November 2018, Smithsonian researchers spent two weeks in Peru counting and identifying fish. In this photo essay, see some of the animals they discovered.
they collect could help protect the aquatic animals that call this part of the Amazon

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Exploring Ecosystems with Otters | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

What is an ecosystem and how does otter poop tell us how healthy an ecosystem is? Join us as we visit the Smithsonian’s Environmental Research Center to explore otters who live in the Chesapeake Bay.
Explore the Rainforest Fly, leap and swim along on an adventure through the Amazon

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