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Quantum TiqTaqToe — TüftelAkademie

The classic TicTacToe extended with the new rules „superposition“ and „entanglement“ from quantum physics
Get to know superposition and entanglement with the quantum TiqTaqToe.

quantum 1x1

Quantentechnologien spielend leicht erklärt. Mit Videos und neuartigen Experimentierkits bekommst du ein Grundverständnis für die Quantentechnologien.
Startseite quantum 1×1 🇩🇪 german version >> Quantum 1×1 Understanding quantum technologies with

Quantum Encryption Tinkerbox Gey Gen — TüftelAkademie

The generator to try out quantum encryption yourself and create your own quantum keys.
We cut them out with a laser cutter.

Quanten Labyrinth — TüftelAkademie

How do quantum computers work and what are gates and QuBits all about? Play the quantum maze and find out!
With the programming we determine so to speak, when which gate is to be used.

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– hands-on-exhibition on playing with language – Akki – Aktion & Kultur mit Kindern e.V.

– hands-on-exhibition on playing with language Telling stories, cracking secret codes, alienating voices

Bildergalerie “Louvre reloaded” – Akki – Aktion & Kultur mit Kindern e.V.

Pierrot“ Vorlage: Morisot, „Summer Day“ Vorlage: Hoerle, „Die Zeitgenossen“ Vorlage: Gsallerani, „Lady with

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Lebenslauf auf Englisch: curriculum vitae with example –

Du möchtest dich für ein Stipendium oder Auslandsaufenthalt bewerben? Hier lernst du, wie du einen Lebenslauf auf Englisch schreibst!
Übungen Texte schreiben und analysieren Texte schreiben Lebenslauf auf Englisch: curriculum vitae with

Bewerbung schreiben: letter of application with example -

Du möchtest dich für ein Stipendium oder einen Auslandsaufenthalt bewerben? Hier lernst du, wie du eine Bewerbung auf Englisch schreibst!
Übungen Texte schreiben und analysieren Texte schreiben Bewerbung schreiben: letter of application with

Present Perfect Passiv: Bildung und Übungen -

Du fragst dich, wie du im Present Perfect das Passiv bildest? Dann bist du hier richtig: Das Present Perfect Passiv wird hier einfach erklärt.
Passiv 1: The nail has been hit with a hammer by me.

Will-Future Passiv: Bildung und Übungen -

Wenn du wissen möchtest, wie das Passiv im Will-Future gebildet wird, bist du hier genau richtig. Klicke hier und lerne mehr!
With a knife the apple will be cut by me.

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Home | Museum für Naturkunde

With fascination, commitment and curiosity for nature: The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is a research
Welcome to Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Our mission is to discover and describe life and earth – with

Home | Museum für Naturkunde

With fascination, commitment and curiosity for nature: The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is a research
Welcome to Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Our mission is to discover and describe life and earth – with

Home | Museum für Naturkunde

With fascination, commitment and curiosity for nature: The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is a research
Welcome to Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Our mission is to discover and describe life and earth – with

Home | Museum für Naturkunde

With fascination, commitment and curiosity for nature: The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is a research
Welcome to Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Our mission is to discover and describe life and earth – with

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English Speaking Early Childhood Educators (m/f/d) for Fröbel centres in Germany – Fröbel – Für Kinder

Is it important for you that children‘s first contact with a foreign language is good fun and linked – in with their interests?
Is it important for you that children‘s first contact with a foreign language is good fun and linked

English Speaking Early Childhood Educators (m/f/d) for Fröbel centres in Germany - Fröbel - Für Kinder

Is it important for you that children‘s first contact with a foreign language is good fun and linked – in with their interests?
Is it important for you that children‘s first contact with a foreign language is good fun and linked

English Speaking Early Childhood Educator (m/f/d) for education and care service Freudenberg - Fröbel - Für Kinder

We are currently looking for a qualified English-speaking education professional to help implement the Fröbel focus “Bilingual Education” at our education and care service Freudenberg in Berlin-Friedrichshain.
children from 0-6 years with a working time of 30 – 39,5 hours per week.

English Speaking Early Childhood Educator (m/f/d) for education and care service Freudenberg - Fröbel - Für Kinder

We are currently looking for a qualified English-speaking education professional to help implement the Fröbel focus “Bilingual Education” at our education and care service Freudenberg in Berlin-Friedrichshain.
children from 0-6 years with a working time of 30 – 39,5 hours per week.

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A boost for the pet industry with Gordon Bonnet appointed new ZZF and WZF managing director | ZZF

The directors of the German Pet Trade & Industry Association e.V. (ZZF) and the supervisory board of WZF (Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft Zoologischer Fachbetriebe GmbH), organizer of the world’s leading trade fair Interzoo, appointed Gordon Bonnet the managing director of the association and its subsidiary WZF effective from 1 January 2021.
Furthermore, Bonnet was also involved in bodies connected with the Association of German Chambers of

Legal opinion clearly proves: Positive list for pets would be against the law | ZZF

Positive list would violate international law, EU law and the German constitution / Legal opinion available free of charge in German and English at
„Expert Opinion on the Legal Admissibility of the Introduction of a National Positive List for Pets with

Gutachten zur Positivliste | ZZF

Wäre eine Positivliste zur Regulierung vom Heimtieren rechtlich überhaupt zulässig?
opinion on the legal admissibility of the introduction of a national positive list for pet animals with

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Anbieter von Lughurt Mango ergänzt Mengenkennzeichnung | Lebensmittelklarheit

Nach Gerichtsurteil: Der Anbieter von „Made with LUVE Lughurt Mango“ gibt nun auch die Menge des beworbenen
Made with Luve, Lughurt Mango alt: Zutaten, Made with Luve, Lughurt Mango, vor 04/2022; neu: ab 04/2022