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FollowTheVote – Wikimedia

FollowTheVote is a mobile app that makes political engagement a fun and informative habit for young people by combining facts with gamification.
The anonymous voting results will be sent directly to parliament.

Do the diamond dance – Wikimedia

In this blog post coach Klara gives us some insights into experiences in virtual coaching for the UNLOCK Accelerator. With great ideas and clever tips she will show you how you can bring some variety into your daily video calls. Get ready for Spaghetti towers and some dance moves.
He called a bike courier in the morning, sent the necessary material over and facilitated the session

The Realities of Innovating in the Wikimedia Movement: These are some of our Needs and Challenges – Wikimedia

You have told us your biggest needs and challenges, and after carefully listening to you, we have thoroughly reviewed the problems faced by the Movement in terms of innovation. Here we present a brief overview of the current state of innovation within the Wikimedia Movement
We then reached out to our stakeholders through in-depth 1:1 interviews, and sent out a survey to all

Datenschutzerklärung – Wikimedia Deutschland Jahresbericht 2019

In this case, the data entered when subscribing to comments will be deleted; if this data has been sent

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Amstrad ROM permissions Date: 08/31/1999 Author: Cliff Lawson Hi, Andrew Owen sent

Hardware Projekte – Chip Tester Firmware –

The Dot Eaters & The Number Crunchers – Die Geschichte der Videospiele und Heimcomputer – Eines der gr��ten virtuellen Computermuseen im Internet.
be found in the „BOM – ENGLISH.pdf“ file that is available in the documentation folder (link will be sent

Level 1: Pixelkästen –

The Dot Eaters & The Number Crunchers – Die Geschichte der Videospiele und Heimcomputer – Eines der gr��ten virtuellen Computermuseen im Internet.
untersagt in direkten Wettbewerb mit Atari zu treten, die später in einem Prozess gegen Bushnell und Sente

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Deutscher Bundestag – Teilnehmer des Monats April 2023: Henrik

Wir freuen uns, Henrik als deutschen PPP-Teilnehmer des Monats April 2023 bekannt zu geben. Henrik, ein von YFU vermittelter High School-Teilnehmer, ist bei seiner Gastfamilie in Fresno, Kalifornien, untergebracht und besucht dort die Bullard High School. Vom ersten Tag an hat sich Henrik sehr gu…
His family in Germany even sent a care package with Christmas goodies, including his grandmother’s special

Deutscher Bundestag - The Defence Committee Tasks and Procedures

Establishment and composition of the Defence Committee In principle, it is up to Parliament at the beginning of each new electoral term to decide on the number of committees it wishes to establish and the number of members of these committees. However, the requirement for a Defence Committee to b…
In addition, the secretariat is responsible for processing letters from the public sent to the Committee

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Legal Disclosure –

contact information and legal representitives of the IVN
Only in excep­tional cases, the full IP address is sent to and shortened by Google servers in the USA

Data Privacy Statement -

Accountability for content, links and copyright
Meltwater The newsletter is sent via Meltwater.

Corporate Identity des IVN

Since its foundation IVN strives to popularize natural textiles in press, politics, retail and to broaden consumer awareness.
As an business associa­tion, we repre­sent and support indivi­dual protago­nists from the areas of craft

Guidelines Committee IVN e.V.

The guidelines committee is responsible for developing and updating IVN guidelines for the manufacture of natural textiles and natural leather goods.
areas of exper­tise involved in the manufac­ture of natural textiles and leather goods and thus repre­sent

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Lesung der französischen Autorin Valérie Terrien (Pseudonym Élisa Tixen) an der Gutenbergschule – Gutenbergschule

Anfang Februar hatte der Französisch-Leistungskurs der Q2 eine ganz besondere Unterrichtseinheit. Die französische Autorin Valérie Terrien war auf Einladung von Tutorin Frau Boczki am 8. Februar für zwei Stunden zu Gast. Nach einer Leseprobe aus ihrer Novellensammlung entfaltete sich eine interessante Frage- und Antwortrunde, die sehr persönlich gehalten war. Schon zu Beginn der Lesung gab […]
De plus, elle se sent en permanence inspirée par la nature.