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Class 01.5 Steam Locomotive | Märklin

Class 01.5 express steam locomotive 01.5 with a coal tender. „Reko“ / „Rebuild“ version for the former German State Railroad of the GDR (DR/GDR), as it act
Only six locomotives kept grate type firing.

Cardinal Woelki suspends officials named in report

Independent investigation into the handling of sexualised violence in the Archdiocese of Cologne
However, I am happy today that at least this first promise has been kept.“

Cardinal Woelki suspends officials named in report

Independent investigation into the handling of sexualised violence in the Archdiocese of Cologne
However, I am happy today that at least this first promise has been kept.“

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Informationen für die Flaschen: Schnupftabakflaschen – Glasmuseum Wertheim e. V.

Bilder, Presse-Meldungen, Veranstaltungslisten – alles, was Sie übers Glasmuseum Wertheim wissen müssen: Gibts hier.
It was sold and kept in small containers known as „Tabatièren“, or in small glass bottles known as snuff

Informationen für die Isoliergefäße - Glasmuseum Wertheim e. V.

Bilder, Presse-Meldungen, Veranstaltungslisten – alles, was Sie übers Glasmuseum Wertheim wissen müssen: Gibts hier.
called Reinhold Burger and he invented the “thermos bottle,” a double-walled, or lined container that kept

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Electric Car Charging Point Installation Guide | MG MOTOR UK

Installing a charging point at home is one of the easiest ways to charge your electric car. Here are some things to consider when installing your EV home charger.
The cable used must also be kept away from other electrical cables such as gas pipes and TV aerials.

What Is The Right Hybrid Car For Me? | MG Motor UK | MG MOTOR UK

There are two types of hybrid cars on the market, but which one works best for you? Scroll through our guide to find what works for your lifestyle.
be the slowest method of charging your car, it is best to install a home charging point that can be kept

What Is A Smart Motorway? | MG MOTOR UK

A smart motorway aims to keep traffic moving at a consistent speed to reduce congestion, improve journey times and avoid potential accidents. Learn more here.
Improves communication – Drivers are kept up to date in real time about the latest incidents or changes

100 Years Young | The History of MG | MG MOTOR UK

Since 1924, MG’s maverick spirit has taken it to the forefront of speed, performance and technological innovation whilst remaining true to its desire to bring joy by exceeding expectation.
renowned singer, songwriter and cultural icon enjoyed driving the car so much that he bought it and kept

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Chemical signal protects migratory locusts from cannibalism

Forschende des Max-Planck-Instituts für chemische Ökologie zeigen in einer neuen Studie in der Zeitschrift Science zusammen mit Partnern aus China und der Universität Halle, dass die Europäische Wanderheuschrecke Locusta migratoria die Verbindung Phenylacetonitril (PAN) bildet, um sich bei zunehmender Populationsdichte gegen Fraßangriffe durch Artgenossen zur Wehr zu setzen. Bei Heuschrecken, die diesen Wirkstoff nicht mehr produzieren konnten, nahm die Kannibalismusrate zu. Außerdem identifizierten die Forschenden in den Heuschrecken den Geruchsrezeptor für PAN. Sie zeigten an Tieren, in denen der PAN-Rezeptor nicht mehr funktionierte, dass dieser für die Wahrnehmung von PAN und die Unterdrückung von kannibalistischem Verhalten notwendig ist.
migratoria showed that cannibalism rates increased with the number of gregarious animals that were kept

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