Bivalves (Bivalvia) – Muscheln – Starfish Photos of mussels, oysters, file shells – Feilenmuschel, Austern, Riesenmuschel
starfish: photos of Bivalves (Bivalvia) like mussels, oysters, file shells and Chitons (Polyplaceohora) and Tusk Shells (Scaphopoda) – Fotos von Muscheln (Bivalves) wie Feilenmuschel, Austern, Riesenmuschel und Käferschnecken (Polyplaceohora) sowie Kahnfüsser (Scaphopoda) Species on this page: Acanthopleura, Atrina, Ctenoides, Chama, Dentalium, Fustiaria, Hippopus, Ischnochitonidae, Limaria, Pedum, Pinna, Pinctata, Tridacna, Siliqua, Spondylus
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