Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: brush

Hokusai, a Zen Story

A zen story about Hokusai, who is asked to paint a painting before the eyes of the emperor
Then he took a brush with blue colour in his hand and drew a broad stripe on the paper.

Hokusai, a Zen Story

A zen story about Hokusai, who is asked to paint a painting before the eyes of the emperor
Then he took a brush with blue colour in his hand and drew a broad stripe on the paper.


Calligraphy art examples, written by Matthias Groeschke from Germany, short poems and texts, written with ink and different writing instruments
Juan Ramon Jimènez ▪ Written with poster pen and brush.


Calligraphy art examples, written by Matthias Groeschke from Germany, short poems and texts, written with ink and different writing instruments
Juan Ramon Jimènez ▪ Written with poster pen and brush.

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Jugend forscht für die Nachhaltigkeit –

Zum zehnten Mal richtete die TH Bingen den Regionalwettbewerb „Jugend forscht/Schüler experimentieren“ aus. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer begeisterten mit cleveren Lösungen und nachhaltigen Projekten. „Frag nicht mich – Frag Dich!“ lautete das Motto, zu dem 128 junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler am Freitag, 15. Februar, an die Technische Hochschule (TH) Bingen anreisten. Zum 54. Regionalwettbewerb von […]
Ihre Lösung heißt „cleanly brush“ und ähnelt einer Waschstraße: Zunächst muss man den Zahnbürstenkopf

Jugend forscht für die Nachhaltigkeit -

Zum zehnten Mal richtete die TH Bingen den Regionalwettbewerb „Jugend forscht/Schüler experimentieren“ aus. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer begeisterten mit cleveren Lösungen und nachhaltigen Projekten. „Frag nicht mich – Frag Dich!“ lautete das Motto, zu dem 128 junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler am Freitag, 15. Februar, an die Technische Hochschule (TH) Bingen anreisten. Zum 54. Regionalwettbewerb von […]
Ihre Lösung heißt „cleanly brush“ und ähnelt einer Waschstraße: Zunächst muss man den Zahnbürstenkopf

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Kreativ in Virtual Reality – Tipps zu Gestaltungstools – jfc Medienzentrum

Autorin: Michelle Adolfs, 2021 Ergebnisse aus dem VR MediaLab 2020 „Create your World“: Das jfc Medienzentrum hat die technischen Erfordernisse und die Machbarkeit für ein Workshopkonzept untersucht, um kollaborative VR Kreation für Jugendliche mit dem Headset Oculus Quest zu ermöglichen. Projektinfo Kreativ in Virtual Reality – Tipps zu Gestaltungstools Zeichnen, Malen und
Google Tilt Brush (19,99 €) Sicher am bekanntesten und sehr ausgereift ist Tilt Brush,

Inner Peace with Pablo – Moshi

Inner Peace with Pablo | Find inner smileyness as well as inner peace as you paint pictures in your mind…
One Moshling who is really great at finding his Inner Smileyness is Pablo the Plush Brush.

Why Routines are Important for Infants and Toddlers - Moshi

Routines teach our children to prepare for upcoming changes. Here’s how to get an infant or toddler to follow routines…
When you brush your teeth in front of your child, you can perhaps “bru bru bru…brush†in-between

When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth? - Moshi

When do our kids start losing their baby teeth? The short answer is that kids usually start to lose teeth around 6. Find out more…
Oral hygiene is essential, for all ages, including teaching your child how to thoroughly brush their

A Morning Routine for Kids That Actually Works - Moshi

Set your kids up for success in the morning with this routine for the whole family! Plus, a free downloadable activity awaits…
At the very least, it stops you from yelling “Brush your teeth!” every two minutes. 

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Viona – Comic World – 70473 | PLAYMOBIL®

Buy PLAYMOBIL® toys directly from the manufacturer: Viona – Comic World | made in Germany
Includes a silicone bracelet, jewellery beads and brush charm, collector’s card, sticker and many accessories

Dog Groomer - 71747 | PLAYMOBIL®

Buy PLAYMOBIL® toys directly from the manufacturer: Dog Groomer | made in Germany
Style the poodle with colorful fur sets, clip and brush its coat, or add decorative pins for a chic look

Bathroom with Tub - 70211 | PLAYMOBIL®

Buy PLAYMOBIL® toys directly from the manufacturer: Bathroom with Tub | made in Germany
Accessories: 1 washbasin with basin and mirror, 1 bathtub, 1 toilet with toilet paper holder and toilet brush

Dog Groomer - 71747 | PLAYMOBIL®

Buy PLAYMOBIL® toys directly from the manufacturer: Dog Groomer | made in Germany
Style the poodle with colorful fur sets, clip and brush its coat, or add decorative pins for a chic look

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Alltagsleben einfach erklärt – simpleclub

Bei den meisten Menschen sieht der Alltag am Morgen so aus, dass sie erstmal die Zähen putzen (brush

Passiv einfach erklärt - simpleclub

could Milo **could** be hit by the brush. Milo könnte vom Pinsel getroffen werden.

Gerund oder Infinitive einfach erklärt - simpleclub

To draw a painting, use a brush. Um ein Bild zu malen, benutze einen Pinsel.

Alle Satzarten einfach erklärt - simpleclub

To draw a painting, use a brush. To get to the train station, turn left. They want to dance.

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Prose and poetry – Excerpts from books written by Nobel Prize laureates –

Read an excerpt from a book written by a Nobel Prize laureate in literature. Or choose a poem from an array of poetry excerpts. Pick a title! Prose Excerpts from Human Acts by Han Kang, Nobel Prize laureate in literature 2024Read the excerpts Excerpt from The Other Name. Septology I-II by Jon Fosse, Nobel Prize […]
laureate in… more Joseph Brodsky – Poetry Poetry English Seven Strophes I was but what you’d brush

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