The Egyptian Museum, with the famous Bust of Nefertiti, the portrait of Tje and the Berliner green head together with the Papyrus Collection, containing ca. 60 000 Textdocuments written in various scripts from hieroglyphics to arabic, is one of the most important museums of its kind.
Der Kopf mit einer langen Perücke bedeckt, die typisch für Götter ist.
The Egyptian Museum, with the famous Bust of Nefertiti, the portrait of Tje and the Berliner green head together with the Papyrus Collection, containing ca. 60 000 Textdocuments written in various scripts from hieroglyphics to arabic, is one of the most important museums of its kind.
Der Kopf mit einer langen Perücke bedeckt, die typisch für Götter ist.
The Egyptian Museum, with the famous Bust of Nefertiti, the portrait of Tje and the Berliner green head together with the Papyrus Collection, containing ca. 60 000 Textdocuments written in various scripts from hieroglyphics to arabic, is one of the most important museums of its kind.
Reichsheiligtum‘ und das ‚Unterägyptisches Reichsheiligtum‘, die Große Neunheit, die in Heliopolis ist und alle Götter
The Egyptian Museum, with the famous Bust of Nefertiti, the portrait of Tje and the Berliner green head together with the Papyrus Collection, containing ca. 60 000 Textdocuments written in various scripts from hieroglyphics to arabic, is one of the most important museums of its kind.
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