Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: flow

Modelling cascading processes with MPM: Effects of alpine mass movements on lake outburst floods

In this project we use a 3D Material Point Method (MPM) model to simulate the interaction of snow and rock avalanches with water basins and lakes in order to develop knowledge and methods to assess the hazard posed by impulsive waves to tourism infrastructure and populated areas.
elastoplasticity has been developed to simulate the release and flow

  • Wissen
  • International
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The 4D-​Antarctica project focuses on creating and consolidating an unprecedented dataset composed of ice-​sheet wide hydrology and lithospheric products, Earth Observation datasets, and state of the art ice-​sheet and hydrology models for the whole of Antarctica.
the responsibility to develop new subglacial water flow

  • Wissen
  • International
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