Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Ozon

Reactive nitrogen at the Climate, Energy, Agriculture, water, and health Nexus

This project aims to holistically understand and quantify nitrogen fluxes across and within compartments to predict the effects of energy transition and environmental changes from other drivers and provide stakeholders and policymakers with informed possible outcomes of future scenarios.
from agriculture and volatile organic carbonspecies, they are involved in forming ozone

  • Wissen
  • International
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Soil solution chemistry and soil water availability in long-term monitoring forest plots (LWF)

The chemistry of soil solution and the soil water availability for plants have been monitored since 1997 in seven forest plots in Switzerland. This project, linked to the Swiss Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research project (LWF), aims to assess the soil response to atmospheric pollution (acidifying substances and nitrogen) and to climate change.
Atmospheric Deposition and ozone levels in Swiss forests:Are critical values exceeded

  • Wissen
  • International
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