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Demo Day and how you can meet the participants of the UNLOCK Accelerator – Wikimedia

As the program rushes to an end, the participants of the UNLOCK Accelerator are giving it their all to prepare and rehearse for this year’s virtual Demo Day. On October 6th, each team will present their prototype in front of a live audience. Participation is open to all and here is all you need to know to join.
time they get up on stage and share their prototype with

More of a Marathon than a Sprint? – Wikimedia

As a part of Wikimedia’s Accelerator Program UNLOCK, we have been able to join several sprint weeks to kick-start our project. Funny enough, instead of sprints, we felt as if we were running a Marathon together – lifting each other up, cheering one another and joining forces in order to make it to the finish line.
At UNLOCK we are running with a team of five, but behind

UnFAQ – Taking on a new direction – Wikimedia

From a board game to a web based app – in the last sprint of UNLOCK the team Unfrequently Asked Questions took a big turn in their project, went back to their initial motivation and rethought their entire project. In this blog post you will find out what motivated them to make that decision and what their new idea looks like.
difficulty they face in their ability to stay in touch with