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Tailor-made coaching: UNLOCK coaches do all it takes to support you! – Wikimedia

Coaching is one of the main elements at UNLOCK. The coaches will be at your side to accelerate your idea and guide you to develop the full potential of your project. What coaching means for us, how the coaches will support you and who are the lead coaches at UNLOCK 2021 – you will find out in this blogpost.
believe that every team can profit from a mentor with

The Realities of Innovating in the Wikimedia Movement: These are some of our Needs and Challenges – Wikimedia

You have told us your biggest needs and challenges, and after carefully listening to you, we have thoroughly reviewed the problems faced by the Movement in terms of innovation. Here we present a brief overview of the current state of innovation within the Wikimedia Movement
about the process): As part of our efforts, we spoke with

How can we drive innovation within the free knowledge ecosystem? – Wikimedia

At UNLOCK, we help participating teams turn their innovative ideas for free knowledge into functional prototypes. As part of an international social movement, we are also interested in contributing to the creation of an innovation ecosystem for free knowledge. Therefore, we have highlighted the structures, programs and resources already available in our Wikimedia movement to support innovation and those that would be necessary in order to foster innovation in a sustainable way.
ideas hatched by extraordinarily brilliant people with

Sprint 2 – Maximizing output by giving lots of input – Wikimedia

The start of sprint 2 was all about giving the teams as much input as possible to create a productivity boost for the weeks to come. Based on the needs of the teams we invited experts to inspire and give workshops about their topics. We will present some of them and how they pushed the projects forward here in this post.
project team SupplyChains who have already held events with

How Wikimedia Argentina and Wikimedia Deutschland share knowledge across continents through program shadowing  – Wikimedia

Why not learn from other program designers rather than constantly reinventing the wheel? Even when they are located in a different time zone across the globe? Let us share how this worked for us and why the benefits of program shadowing outweigh the costs, even across continents.
your specific context, according to your means and with

We are pausing and re-imagining the UNLOCK Accelerator in 2023 – Wikimedia

The UNLOCK Accelerator, which has been a successful program in turning promising Free Knowledge ideas into sustainable projects, will not be continued, but redesigned in 2023. We want to explore what the UNLOCK of the future might look like in order to create an even bigger impact for the Free Knowledge Ecosystem.
With that, they had a concrete solution in mind on