Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: with

Kicking off the UNLOCK program by creating visions for the future – Wikimedia

Building on last year’s best practices, the UNLOCK kick off event 2021 was two-fold: While the first day focused around getting to know each other and creating a joint base for collaboration, the second day was dedicated to creating project visions. Specifying their vision will help guide the participating teams through the program and push them towards their ultimate goal. This is how we did it.
comfortable enough to collaborate on these visions with

Successfully navigating challenges in an international & interdisciplinary collaboration – Wikimedia

You are thinking of setting up an international & interdisciplinary collaboration for your innovation program? These are our tips to guarantee smooth and successful teamwork that all partners will benefit from – even if you are working remotely.
in the Wikimedia community and with strong community